patchway community school
Welcome to Patchway Community College website. I hope that it will give you an
insight into our vibrant academy where dedicated staff inspire our students to
enjoy learning and to achieve more than they ever think they could. We are
committed to the development of the whole child at Patchway. Supporting young
people to achieve excellent outcomes at GCSE and post 16 levels is the most
powerful thing we can do for those students and for the community we serve. Our
results this year show impressive improvement, with 58.5% of students achieving
A*-C grades in both English and maths GCSEs. In the sixth form, 68% of A level
grades were A*-C, and in BTEC 86% of grades were distinction. We value and
reward effort, determination and aspiration and we are proud that our learners
become strong and confident individuals who are able to make a positive
contribution to their local and wider community.