silva care ltd
4.6(13)Whitchurch, Bristol
Founded in July 2007 with one supported living house and one short breaks house,
plus a small amount of community Outreach services. The ethos of the company was
very much about providing personalised and high-quality support for people with
learning disabilities in their local communities, and about providing access to
a wide range of social, leisure, training and development opportunities. We
started with approximately 30 staff and have steadily grown over the past 11
years and now support over 219 people and have over 250 staff across our
services. Throughout the growth we have continued to maintain our ethos of
person centred high quality community-based support. We believe our staff
represents our greatest asset. We are committed to providing on-going support
and training to ensure that all of our employees are supported to have of the
knowledge, skills and experience necessary to provide support to the highest
standard. We aim to employ people who have a caring, positive attitude who can
demonstrate good interpersonal skills.