feversham academy
Our students make an outstanding contribution to the school, not only in their
academic studies but all round. They receive excellent care, guidance and
support. Our students speak very highly of the school and are actively involved
in student leadership, fund raising, and peer mentoring. Teaching and learning
are 'outstanding' (Ofsted) at Feversham. Staff and students work extremely well
together to achieve the best possible results. As a result Feversham Academy has
been consistently ranked as one of the best schools in the country for value
added. We have a thriving Sixth Form and retention is very high. Our Sixth Form
students contribute significantly to the effective and efficient running of the
college. Approximately 90% of these students then continue into Higher
Education, going onto pursue professional careers. At Feversham we are fully
committed to ensuring each student achieves their potential in every aspect of
their education. The success of the school is down to the hard work and
relationship between students, parents, staff, Governors and stakeholders.