arora medical education
Our medical education courses and resources are essential for passing your
exams, advancing your career and supporting your professional development beyond
your current capabilities. Arora Medical Education have courses for the
following exams, focusing both on enhanced knowledge and improving technique:
MRCGP AKT, MRCGP RCA, MSRA, PLAB 2, PLAB 1, GP Trainees and Medical School. We
are also preparing for the introduction of UKMLA. Our comprehensive courses
offer a range of resources in 5 learning styles to suit you including all-in-one
packages, online courses, mock papers, digital flashcard sets, audiobooks and
live courses. All courses have been expertly designed by Dr. Aman Arora and a
dedicated team of GPs with over 10 years of teaching experience and a commitment
to transforming medical education.