If you have at least 5 years working experience and you would like to attain Gold Card status via the Experienced Worker route by joining the City & Guilds 2346 NVQ Level 3, you will also need to hold the below two pre-requisite qualifications: City & Guilds 2391-52 Inspection and Testing Course C&G 2382-22 BS7671 18th Edition
Facial Massage & Skincare
This one-day Suicide First Aid training course gives learners the knowledge and tools to understand that suicide is one of the most preventable deaths and some basic skills can help someone with thoughts of suicide stay safe from their thoughts and stay alive.
Embark on a journey to become a workplace hero with our comprehensive one-day First Aid course. This dynamic and engaging training program is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to handle emergency situations confidently and effectively.