the property ombudsman
The Property Ombudsman (TPO) scheme has been providing consumers and property
agents with an alternative dispute resolution service since 1990 The Ombudsman’s
resolutions are designed to achieve a full and final settlement of the dispute
and all claims made by either party. The Ombudsman can, where appropriate, make
compensatory awards in individual cases up to a maximum of £25,000 for actual
and quantifiable loss and/or for aggravation, distress and/or inconvenience
caused by the actions of an agent. Independence TPO is a not-for-profit
independent company. Its unitary Board has 9 Non-Executive Directors, including
its independent Chair, Baroness Diana Warwick. The Board appoints the Ombudsman,
sets the Terms of Reference for the scheme and has responsibility for raising
sufficient funds for the administration and functioning of the scheme. The Board
has no role in the discharge of the Ombudsman's duties or decisions.