harrogate and nidderdale district scouts
Harrogate and Nidderdale District Scouts is a district within the Scout County
of North Yorkshire. Geographically it covers an area from Pateley Bridge in the
west to Marston Moor in the east, with most groups located in the towns of
Harrogate and Knaresborough. There are 14 groups, and 9 Explorer units,
including a Young Leaders’ Unit. The District campsite and activity centre is
located near to Thornthwaite in Nidderdale and is used by Scouts and Guides from
all over the country as well as other youth groups. The District runs a variety
of events throughout the year for the different sections, for example the
Harrogate Monopoly, Cub Camping competition and District Beaver Day. It is also
involved in community events such as providing the catering for the Stray
bonfire organised by the Round Table, and of course the St George’s Day parade
and Remembrance Sunday. Other events can be found in the District Calendar.