parkanaur college
Training and Learning Experience a variety of learning opportunities.
Experienced Staff Place your trust in professionals. THE GOAL IS INDEPENDENCE
ABOUT US Parkanaur College and Residential Care Home, operating under the
auspices of the Thomas Doran Parkanaur Trust, a Registered Charity (104813),
provides a range of learning opportunities for people with disabilities to help
them Parkanaur College and Residential Care Home, operating under the auspices
of the Thomas Doran Parkanaur Trust, a Registered Charity (104813), provides a
range of learning opportunities for people with disabilities to help them
achieve their social, educational and vocational potential, as well as providing
residential care and respite care within its Residential Care Home and day
opportunities for our residents, students and those attending on a daily basis.
The Thomas Doran Training Centre, founded in 1960, has a long connection with
the local community and over the years has undergone many changes but, now as
Parkanaur College and Residential Care Home, retains the aim of providing
learning opportunities for our service users, staff and others who spend time
with us from local colleges and universities as part of their vocational and
professional training. Parkanaur is registered with, and inspected by, the
Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority and is accredited with the Open
College Network. We are a large employer and we support local businesses as part
of our contribution to the local community.