Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy, an energy which is all around us. Natural Healing Reiki is the name given to a system of natural healing which evolved in Japan from the experience and dedication of Dr Mikao Usui (d. 1926). Fired by a burning question, Dr Usui was inspired to develop this healing system from ancient teachings after many years of study, research and meditation. He spent the rest of his life practising and teaching Reiki. Today Reiki continues to be taught by Reiki Masters who have trained in the tradition passed down from Master to student.
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Flexible eLearning Solutions. Built for your Business. We provide market-leading Compliance, Health & Safety, and Performance online training solutions that fit flexibly around the needs of your business. Delivered via our state of the art Learning Experience Platform, Astute, using advanced techniques such as interactive video and gamification, our highly enjoyable and effective eLearning experiences set the benchmark in the industry. We specialise in: Compliance Health & Safety Performance
Reflexology, Yoga and Complementary Therapy in Allestree, Derbyshire - Happy Soles Reflexology, complementary therapy and yoga in Allestree, Derbyshire
Professional development workshops for Counsellors and Psychotherapists. PIPS offers training workshops for Psychotherapists and Counsellors in the UK. The workshops are experiential, interactive and aimed at personal and professional growth. Places are limited. Please have a read... I love my garden it brings me such a sense of peace. As I was tending a particularly troubled rose bush, regularly troubled by black spot and aphids, I thought about how much I grow with my garden and how much of me is in it. I enjoy a sense of my own agency as I make things happen. This is not through controlling and forcing plants to be what they are not but expecting to get a healthy return in our relationship accepting limitations and sometimes choosing not to continue to grow something where I get little return or don't like what is available. This reminds me of how I have come to view relationship that if I expect to be loved and cared for in general this happens and if it does not then this is not solely my doing. I can choose to end relationships which are draining and unfruitful. The rose bush reminds me of a family member who can often cause me concern and attack me. I am now aware of how much I can safely give that relationship, without feeling drained or prickled. I get some returns enough to keep the rose bush with its limitations. I am able to keep myself open to more enriching relationship such as the honeysuckle which bounds up and offers freely this helps me tolerate the disappointments of the rose and the Lilly of the valley, which has never survived despite my efforts.
The European Academy Of Continuing Medical Education® (EACME) is an accreditation organization for Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development (CME&CPD), providing education & clinical, research information; advocacy for the public, patients, and members; promoting research; and recognizing excellence in continuing medical education EACME Main Responsibilities : Leading organization, providing world class services to the Healthcare Institutes Serve as the body accrediting institutions and organizations offering continuing medical education Set, review, publicize and administer standards and policy criteria for CME organizations for physicians and other health care professionals Validate the competency of the accredited organizations of performing within our Accreditation Standards & Policies Suggest, advocate, and conduct, on a regular basis, methods to improve the CME learning methods and delivery Promote multi-lateral learning methods to better encourage and enhance physicians and other health care professionals’ learning experience Ensure physicians, other health care professionals, the public, and the CME community, that CME programs, in which these organizations were accredited for, meet or exceed the European academy of Continuing Medical Education’s criteria for compliance with the Accreditation Standards & Policies
Fusion Yoga Studios And Well-being Centre - A place where you will find safety, support and a warm friendly, family environment . A place where people can come to heal, to grow and to improve strength and flexibility in mind and body. A place that is inclusive to EVERYONE! A sacred space you can call your second Home.
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