privé training academy
Pioneer of Fibroblast and Founder of PRIVÉ Academy Privé Academy is an
established brand name, well known in the world of beauty aesthetics. From the
very beginning of its existence, it has set the trends and standards in the
world of beauty. Our team of Privé Beauty experts got acclaimed for teaching and
practicing Fibroblast Skin-Tightening method. Besides passing the knowledge to
hundreds of now Fibroblast Specialists, we also developed our own products. As a
result Prive Academy is one of the very few that offers its own Fibroblast
products, which are made in EU with CE certification for EU “ResAP(2008)1” and
are tested by National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food. Not only have
we turned numerous individuals into experts, but we also developed a strong
online support community, where we advise our Specialists on daily basis. We
have trained more than 700 trainees, who are now successfully working on their
own clients and getting amazing results. We are proud of our progress and a
living proof anything can be achieved.