Inner Focus Limited is a counselling and professional development centre located in Long Stratton. It provides private counselling/ psychotherapy sessions to individuals, as well as courses, workshops and training to small groups. Mindfulness Mornings is a brand new offering for Spring 2024 - aiming to promote emotional wellbeing in the local community at a fraction of the cost of individual therapy sessions. Mindfulness Mornings are initially being offered on a Wednesday and Thursday from 11.30am-12.30pm in six-week blocks starting in April. Each group will have a maximum of 6 participants. For a limited time you can take advantage of our promotional offer of just £90 for the whole six weeks.
Britannia Safety & Training was founded in 1998 by Colin Wright, Managing Director. As health and safety training consultants, we work with people from all industries. Our aim is to help you get through the ‘red tape’ so that you can understand what you’re expected to comply with – and make sure that everyone in your team has the right skills
Domain Default page Our aim is to bring you the highest quality beauty services carried out by advanced therapists using top quality branded products at affordable prices.
NKA are affiliated to JKS England who are the English branch to the Japan Karate Shoto Renmei (JKS) which is one of the worlds leading karate organisations. JKS England are members of the English Karate Federation (EKF) which is the country's biggest competition governing body and is itself a member of the World Karate Federation (WKF). WKF were the karate organisation who were recognised by the International Olympic Committee where competitors from countries under the WKF banner represented their country at the Tokyo Olympic Games.
LGBTIQ Transgender, Intersex, GenderQueer & Non-Binary Awareness Training & Education - GenderAgenda GenderAgenda - Transgender, Intersex, GenderQueer & Non-Binary Awareness Training & Education
We are a niche food law consultancy specialising in the provision of online CPD training to food law enforcement officers in the UK. Over the last 20 years we have delivered training to thousands of delegates on topics ranging from Imported food Control to the conduct of Criminal Investigations on behalf of the Food Standards Agency, Food Standards Scotland, Defra and through our own programme of events. These days our training services are delivered exclusively online through subscription to ABC Food Law Online PLUS. Please note that as a food law compliance consultancy we do not offer any reserved legal activities as defined in the Legal Services Act 2007 and we are not authorised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. ABC Food Law is run by Andy and Sharon Bowles and you can read about us below.
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