part 8 consulting
What we do... Safeguarding children, vulnerable adults, professionals and
organisations Part 8 Consulting helps you safeguard children and vulnerable
adults services, provides specialist advice for all aspects of child Practice
Reviews (previously serious case reviews) Â safeguarding adult and domestic
homicide reviews, consultancy, policy and audit development. Â Â Delivery of
accredited and bespoke training in all areas of the children and young people
sector and health and social care sector.
Ofqual Regulated Training - First aid at work, Paediatric First Aid, Emergency
First aid at work, Emergency Paediatric First Aid, Food Safety, Fire Safety,
Health and Safety, Safeguarding Children , young People and vulnerable adult,
Moving inanimate objects, Infection Prevention and control, Mental health at
Bespoke Training: Moving people, Safeguarding Children, Safeguarding Adults,
Medication Training, Infection prevention and control, Anaphylaxis, tailored
first aid eg parents and grandparents. Mental health awarenessÂ