consciously digital
It is a fundamental right for people to connect AND disconnect, and be in
control of what information they share (and with whom) Technology should help us
achieve our goals and live according to our values (instead of distracting us
from them) In the digital age, it is increasingly important to develop skills
which make us more human, instead of behaving like machines Product builders
(including designers and developers) and marketers are responsible for their
technology’s impact on humans and society We acknowledge the positive impact
that technology can have on our lives (including health, career opportunities
and social connections). It is unrealistic and unnecessary to get rid of digital
technologies completely, but in order to continue to thrive, we need to ensure
that technology remains a tool. We share the values of sustainable development
organizations and of the slow movement, and believe that it’s essential for the
future of humanity to be able to periodically disconnect, to cultivate deep
focus, and to reconnect with nature.