Mind Fitness is an easy to access training Let’s Talk Our training is unique and the positive impact is proven – let us guide you through how our approach can help unlock your people to be happier and more productive in your business.
Nina is an incredible tutor who made the course very interactive and fun. The support and resources given throughout was very informative and reassuring which gave me the confidence to complete my assessments successfully. I would highly recommend
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine Hertfordshire and North London We specialise in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine in Hertfordshire and North London. Call Kun Lun on 01727 852243
Pilates Instructor | Aylesbury | Intrinsic Pilates Intrinsic Pilates offers one to one pilates sessions with Susannah Alpert in Aylesbury. Contact Susannah for appointments at intrinsicpilates12@gmail.com or on 07989 556154
Holistic Grove Therapies - massage, reflexology and meditation Holistic Grove Therapies offers various reflexology, massage treatments and guided meditations in their treatment room in Brookmans Park, Hertfordshire