stephanie edwards
About Me
In 2013, my journey took me to Asia, where I delved into the profound practice
of Reiki. Since then, I've become a licensed Western Usui Reiki Practitioner and
Master Teacher, as well as a Jikiden Reiki Practitioner. Reiki has been
transformative for me, leading me back to a place of joy and spiritual
connection, and this journey continues to unfold.
In addition to my Reiki practice, I've expanded my expertise to include
CranioSacral therapy and Silent counseling. These modalities have enriched my
understanding of holistic healing and deepened my connection to the inner wisdom
of each individual.
My exploration of healing led me to discover the profound properties of mother
nature's plant medicine, Ceremonial Cacao. I've immersed myself in its healing
potential and have been deeply moved by its ability to facilitate transformation
and inner growth.
I'm passionate about sharing these healing modalities with others and guiding
them on their own journeys of self-discovery and wellness. Together, let's
explore the transformative power of healing and reconnect with the joy and
harmony within ourselves and the world around us.