We and Young Living believe that you and your family deserve products that are genuine, free of harmful synthetics, and of unmatched purity. Seed to Seal® is our promise to you that we are committed to providing just that to your family. From the seeds we plant to the moment we seal our bottles, we focus on naturally occurring and high-quality components to provide you with a pristine final product without compromise.
Kristina is a Chartered Counselling Psychologist with 13 years of experience within three nationally recognised services, including a tertiary specialist trauma service and a residential trauma clinic where she worked as a supervisor and trauma clinician. She brings a wide range of knowledge and experience of working with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a result of single and multiple traumas, Complex Trauma, Attachment and Development Disorders and Dissociation. Kristina has a particular interest in understanding trauma through the perspective of early attachment. She takes the view that treatment in therapy needs to be tailored to each individual client, and that recovery is not about changing who we are, but about finding the person we were supposed to be before the trauma. Kristina focuses the treatment on finding healthy coping strategies and resources. Once safety and stability has been achieved, she works directly to process the trauma if appropriate.
Jo Yoga classes in Basingstoke – Yoga Classes Coronavirus update - New Classes at Old Down Hall in August and online yoga - email for information to join Welcome to Jo yoga teaching yoga since 2004 A space of stillness and peace where you can leave behind your everyday responsibility’s and have time and space for yourself to re-charge energy levels, release held…
Invictus Gymnastics is a grass roots club. Our priority is developing gymnasts to follow their chosen pathway. We offer pathway progressions through Gymnastics For All with Gymfusion and TeamGym at levels 6 upwards. We have excellent links with local high performance gymnastics centres and TeamGym links to clubs in Hampshire.
Streamed Online Yoga Classes, Retreat and Workshops Online Streamed Yoga Classes, Online Yoga Membership, Yoga Retreats and Workshops, Meditation classes, Pregnancy Yoga, Ashtanga, Yin Yoga, Mandala Vinyasa, Beginner Yoga
Personal Training Basingstoke - weight loss, low back pain, knee pain At Fitness Fundamentals, I offer 1-2-1, small-group and online personal training for weight loss, strength and rehabilitation for pain, injury and recovery from surgery.