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Nutritional Therapy and Wellbeing Coaching based in Bristol Bristol Nutritional Therapy and Wellbeing Coaching clinic for in person or on-line consultations to help you to look and feel great every day. You are worth it!
Soul Star Health Transformation starts from within. Oliver Pratt uses a combination of NLP, Mindfulness Meditation, Reiki and Nutrition to help others attain their life goals and find the best health and wellbeing possible. Soul Star Health is based in Bristol and South Glos.
We are souls choosing human experiences for the purpose of growth in consciousness and connection to the Divine. The ultimate goal is to know oneself as the Divine expressing through the human self. From this place a sense of inner peace and the joy of divinely guided self-expression can be experienced. Competition falls away, security is reclaimed from all outer sources, and miracles are a sensual & natural birthright. Refining Stories. Aligning Souls. Joanne's Writing, Coaching for Visionaries & Creatives, and Workshops help you more joyfully awaken into your Divine Purpose.
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