a calm you
My name is Trisha McKeown, And I’m genuinely committed to help you find a calm
you, one that is happier, more content and the best version of yourself. By
learning to reduce stress and anxiety and increase calm and relaxation you give
yourself the possibility of just that A Calm You. When we take time for
self-care and learn to manage our thoughts and emotions we can become a better
version of ourselves. As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup. My
intention is to take you from anxious and stressed to calm and relaxed. I will
teach you certain mindfulness and meditation techniques, insights and tools that
I have learnt and continue to learn every day and take you on an inner journey
of acceptance, growth and transformation. Mindfulness and Meditation are proven
cognitive therapies recommended by professionals all around the world. I am
proud to have been able to support and teach many people who wanted to find a
more mindful way of living.