shirley green training and consultancy
Shirley Green BSc (Hons), MSc, BPsS I have worked with children and families for
over 30 years, with the last 10 years being dedicated to the support and
development of professionals. My degrees in Psychology combined with practice
qualifications and experience in Domestic Abuse, Life Coaching and Youth Work
have given me a comprehensive understanding of theory behind human behaviours.
My experience of working with children and families from birth upwards, across
services from children's social care, youth work, early years and targeted
domestic abuse services, has enhanced my learning and enabled me to put theory
into practice. I understand the practice and practical challenges of working
with vulnerable and disengaged people. My experience has influenced my goal to
provide training and development opportunities to individuals, groups and
organisations which increases the motivation and confidence of professionals to
engage and improve outcomes for service users. I believe building better
relationships improves engagement, safety and the desire for change.