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Creative Development Skills is a dynamic community based media organisation that utilises the connective and promotional power of Social Media as a gateway to improving the life skills of people disconnected from the work place. We specialise in working with hard to engage groups such as NEETS and Lone Parents but have also delivered projects to older people helping them to engage and connect with digital opportunities. Since our establishment in January 2009 we have worked with over 1000 people and actively deliver engaging programmes to people of all backgrounds. We have delivered projects on behalf of a number of stakeholders and are well versed in the administrative and monitoring responsibilities that accompany receiving funding from these groups.
We administer prizes to celebrate authors of all genres at every stage of their careers. Our awards for fiction, non-fiction, poetry, translation and drama, most awarded annually, are worth over £85,000 in prize money.
The Beat Farda – Farda of Many Beats
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