Online Personal Trainer and Health Coach in Watford Claire Ashton Online and in person Personal Trainer and Health and Confidence Coach specialising in women's health, wellness and fitness
Work with me | Personal Trainer | Yoga Instructor | Nutritional Therapist | Surrey — Integrated Health & Fitness Learn about the services I offer
Soham Yoga is a holistic way of energising and integrating your mind, body and spirit. It not only offers the benefits of traditional asanas (postures), but Pranayamas (breathing techniques) and special meditations as well.
Home - Sneha Ramji
Choosing a secondary school is one of the most important steps you take for your child’s education. Our website should give you a clear idea of what we believe in and what we expect of pupils here at Featherstone High School. Your son or daughter has the opportunity to join us at a truly exciting time as we continue to focus on ensuring we deliver high quality learning which is engaging and enjoyable for all our students. We continue to achieve record breaking GCSE results and we are regularly placed in the top 10% of schools in the country for the academic progress students make.
Raising Spirit Raising Spirit runs workshops to empower parents through reflexology & complementary healthcare, specialising in one-to-one coaching for parents of non-neuro typical children