The aim of Fix It (UK) Limited is to improve the life chances, career choices and opportunities of young people who prefer to learn by doing things rather than an academic route into employment via further education.
It's never too late - BMH Training Limited Understanding the need for both face-to-face and distance learning we excel at meeting the needs of our learners, time and time again.
Our aim is to enable our learners to fulfil their learning potential by extending their access to learning and creating bespoke learning opportunities for each person who joins us. We are believe in the value of every learner and their potential for achieving happy and fulfilling lives through the benefits of further education. Working in conjunction with a number of partners, Chatsworth Futures offers courses including Open Awards: Skills for Further Learning and Employment, Open Awards: Functional Skills, Entry Level qualifications and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Please take some time to browse around our website and feel free to contact us directly if you have questions or comments.
Personal Training | Evolve Functional Fitness | England Altrincham Evolve Personal Training Fitness Class
We remove all the fads and complications of nutrition for you by guiding you through our simple but effective system, meaning you get the results without having to eliminate the foods you enjoy the most!
Home - Nutri Functional
Industry led, creative college with music, games, media and software courses in Plymouth, Birmingham, Bristol, Lincoln, London, Manchester, and Norwich
£ Enquire Highfield Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics, level 1 45 - 50 hours
£ Enquire Highfield Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics, level 2 45 - 50 hours
£ Enquire Highfield Functional Skills Qualification in English, level 1 55 - 60 hours
£ Enquire Highfield Functional Skills Qualification in English, level 2 45 - 50 hours