old ruts football club
Old Ruts Football Club | Old Rutlishians AFC (Old Ruts) is made up of ex-pupils
of Rutlish School, amateur sportsman from the local community and the friends
and relatives of existing players. It was reformed after a 58 year absence in
the summer of 1990 having originally run from 1907 until 1932 when it folded
after being replaced by Rugby as the popular winter sport at the Old Rutlishians
Old Rutlishians AFC (Old Ruts) is made up of ex-pupils of Rutlish School,
amateur sportsman from the local community and the friends and relatives of
existing players. It was reformed after a 58 year absence in the summer of 1990
having originally run from 1907 until 1932 when it folded after being replaced
by Rugby as the popular winter sport at the Old Rutlishians