ashdown education
On behalf of the Ashdown Elementary School (AES) staff, I am happy to welcome
you to the 2022-2023 school year. AES is a kindergarten through fifth-grade
campus. With this change, there will be a lot of familiar faces, as well as some
new ones. One thing that did not change is the hard work that our staff will put
in to provide our students with a safe learning environment where our students
will be successful! One of the greatest resources at AES is the
parents/guardians of our students. Communication is the key factor in building
the bond between the school and parents/guardians. To keep informed you can
follow us on our Facebook page (AES Facebook), District Facebook page (Ashdown
Facebook), and the AES page on the district website (AES Website). Most
importantly, register to receive messages through Remind from your child’s
teacher. At AES, the staff works diligently to see all students succeed. Each
day, students will be given opportunities to demonstrate their strengths through
activities that are both engaging and challenging. Teachers will give guided
instruction as students complete these activities to ensure their success. I
know that with the many changes and adjustments we had to do during the last
school year, there will still be adjustments to our schedules and activities
this year. We plan to make every effort to keep our parents notified as changes
are made. My focus is on your child’s safety as we move forward while following
district, state, and federal guidelines.