kirkby stephen grammar school
Kirkby Stephen
Welcome to the Kirkby Stephen Grammar School website. As Headteacher, I’m
delighted that you have taken the opportunity to visit our website and find out
about our school. It’s a unique school, with a positive ethos and a happy and
purposeful atmosphere. Our ambition is quite simply to help every child in our
care to achieve success whatever his or her individual abilities and talents
might be. Our Vision: Kirkby Stephen Grammar School is a learning community
committed to success for all. Our Academy Aims: To promote lifelong learning To
promote an inclusive ethos in which everyone can develop and be successful To
encourage everyone to improve standards of academic progress To develop
self-discipline and positive social behaviour to enable students to become
effective citizens in society To provide a wide and exciting range of enrichment
activities beyond the classroom To provide high quality learning opportunities
and higher standards through sharing specialist facilities and resources with
partner schools and developing and disseminating good practice To work with the
Eden Valley Sports Partnership to develop high quality PE, School Games and
competition To provide high quality learning opportunities for members of the
wider community To develop partnerships with local businesses and providers. To
plan for all pupils to stay on in training, apprenticeships or education to the
age of 18 To cater for the needs of Gifted and Talented pupils. To work
effectively with our partner schools for mutual support and benefits I hope the
website will give you some impression of how we try to make the aim and the
vision a reality. Key policies, procedures, information and communications are
available here. We also want to promote the many sporting, cultural and
community aspects of our school through the website, so that you will find links
to a range of groups in the area. I would actively encourage you to browse
through these web pages and find out as much as you can about us. If you would
like to know more, please contact me directly and I will be more than happy to
answer your query.