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208 Educators providing Empathy courses

Enable South West Community Interest Company

enable south west community interest company


Enable was formed from the challenging life experience of a professional person, and a vision to create a different approach. When meeting people who are encountering difficulties in life it is often the norm for helpers to show them how to accept and manage these daunting emotions and circumstances. Agencies and support networks may become involved and “take over” life tasks. Commonly intervention become something that is “done to us” and with each level of support an individual loses a little bit more control or ability to manage that area of their life. Enable seeks to address the question “what do people need in order to get back in the driving seat of their lives”? Enable exists to support, coach and mentor forward. Ultimately the journey and the choices remain that of an individual. We will help, however, to help identify skills, strategies and community to help someone fully engage with life. Each Journey is individual and the process starts from exactly where a person is. We take time to get to know our participants. Each six-module programme uses the same model; but crucially is individually tailored. With empathy we listen, and walk with, those on the programme though to a place of empowerment. About Maree Kivlichan Maree is the founder and managing director of Enable. Maree has a wealth of experience helping others to overcome barriers and achieve their goals. Having positively addressed and broken through the darkness of her own serious mental health issues, she has progressed to extending help to others. Maree has been privileged to speak to professionals across many industries about the benefits of social inclusion, fostering of purpose and improved mental health. With delight, empathy and kindness generated from personal experience, Maree comes alongside participants and relates to their struggles. Although people may have entered the process without hope, and or purpose, they are empowered, encouraged to identify their own life goals and to fulfil their potential. They gain a sense of identity and belonging. Maree Kivlichan "In my role of Operations Manager working on DWP funded programmes I worked very closely with Maree Kivlichan. The purpose of the programs was to move clients forward to a position where they had improved their lives and then and (hopefully) into work. Maree impressed me on many occasions with her ability to engage with clients who in the main had many challenges facing them. The large majority of these clients were lacking in motivation and self-belief and would lay out their issues (both real and perceived) before them whenever they were asked or expected to engage in anything. Maree was always very honest and truthful when discussing issues with clients however had a certain way with them which enabled Maree to engage with the clients in their current situation whilst having the skills to explore with the clients what their vision or goal was and then guiding them towards achieving this goal using small achievable steps. I can particularly remember Maree facilitating a small group of 6 extremely hard to help clients with multiple barriers that stopped them moving forward, one dropped out after the first day, the rest stayed for the whole programme and even requested to attend sessions with Maree after the course had closed, Maree continued to work with them and this resulted in all of the clients having moved forward in their lives (taken from evaluations at the time) and two actually gained meaningful employment."

Alamiyah Educational Foundation

alamiyah educational foundation


The Alamiyah School stems from a project which began in 2005 with a determined group of home-schooling parents who were eager to create a positive learning environment for their children; one that would foster not only a love of knowledge but give the children a moral framework and nurture each child’s unique genius. The project was subsequently joined by a group of educational professionals and evolved into the Alamiyah Pre-school. We registered as an independent school (Alamiyah School) in 2017 allowing us to cater for school age pupils. The school now caters for pupils of age 3-11 years till the end of the primary age range. The Alamiyah School is inspired by the Prophetic Tradition and will use a curriculum infused with the prophetic stories, arts and sciences. The Montessori approach to early years is the framework upon which the school is based, thus creating an educational experience based on ancient wisdoms and modern discoveries. The Montessori approach creates an environment that offers each child the opportunity to express and develop their individuality and their innate need to learn. It is based on the natural laws of human development (fitra) confirmed by scientific advances and is therefore perfectly in line with a prophetic model for education. The curriculum is child centered, encourages independence and fosters empathy and compassion. The project is lead by an enthusiastic group of teachers trained in the Montessori approach, with many years experience with young children. Our teachers are professionals in their field and have a deeply rooted interest in education. Each of them has come to appreciate the importance of the early years learning in a child’s education and development.

Restart Dogs

restart dogs


n providing modern, positive reinforcement based training to dogs on the programme, the offenders promote responsible animal welfare and effective dog training without violence and confrontation, leading to learners increased empathy, self-regulation, social skills, compassion, responsibility and respect. The people on the Restart Dog Project have, through attachment and interaction with the dogs, gained insights into identifying their own behaviour and the skills to change. Understanding the emotional capacity of the dogs and how this affects their behaviour offers a greater insight into how prisoners/offenders manage their own feelings of frustration and self-control. The skills learnt during the programmes have been a key part of the graduates’ social reintegration. At the same time, the prisoners/offenders have the opportunity to become well trained professionals within the dog training industry gaining qualifications up to a Level 6, which is a foundation degree. The programme is not funded by the taxpayer, and instead is paid for by the Prisoners Fund, which is raised by work that Prisoners undertake during their time in the custodial system for other organisations. Prisoners/offenders who apply to participate in the Restart Dogs program need be engaged in rehabilitation programs and be engaging in the prison system. Our objectives are to develop selected prisoners as dog trainers, to produce dogs suitable as assistance dogs for people in need. As one of our participants eloquently said- “I have lost my freedom, but I can actually help someone else to get theirs back” We work closely with charities and community groups such as Moorlands Dog Rescue, by raising and training potential assistance dogs or retraining rescue dogs.

Old Hall Drive Academy

old hall drive academy

Old Hall Drive Academy is a happy, vibrant two form entry academy in Gorton where children are enthusiastic and motivated to achieve endless possibilities. The children are at the heart of every decision we make to ensure that they are happy and confident. We ensure that the opportunities and skills that are provided for them are relevant to their needs both now and in the future. Through our engaging and exciting RESPECT curriculum, we ensure that children can foster a love for learning and curiosity that will help to develop high aspirations and a lifetime of memories. We believe in ensuring that children receive a well-rounded curriculum; where individual talents can be spotted and nurtured to ensure that all children experience success and reach their full potential. Through the RESPECT curriculum, we help and actively encourage our pupils to be resilient; show empathy; have self-awareness, be positive, show excellence; have good communication and to work as part of a team. At Old Hall Drive, we have a committed team who work hard to constantly improve to ensure we reach high standards in everything we do. Our children are the stars of our school and very few visitors fail to comment on their politeness, enthusiasm and behaviour for learning. This is further embedded through our relationships with parents as we firmly believe that education is a partnership between home and school; the local community and the other schools within the Wise Owl Trust. I personally feel very privileged and proud to lead their learning as they deserve the best that we can provide for them. I hope that you find our school website useful and informative. Please feel welcome to contact me if you need any further information or have ideas that you would like to share with us.

Whickham School

whickham school

Newcastle Upon Tyne

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you and your family to Whickham School. We are a school at the heart of our local community that ensures that every young person develops into a well-rounded citizen who is able to make the most of their unique talents and abilities. This has enabled us to build an excellent reputation locally, of which we are very proud. Our school is a happy community where we have high expectations of each other and work hard to realise our potential. Students learn to embrace challenge and develop the confidence to approach problems and new situations with a positive mindset. Our curriculum and pastoral care is underpinned by a focus upon ensuring our students are aspirational, respectul, resilient and demonstrate empathy for others. Standards are high and our students study a curriculum that enables them to develop knowledge and skills that prepare them well for higher education and employment. Academic achievement is important and we are proud of the success our students achieve, but we recognise success and happiness in life is much more than this. Whickham students access a range of exciting experiences that support personal development and develop the personal qualities that enable them to be people we are proud to know. Behaviour is excellent and is a basic expectation of all our students. Our school community is built upon mutual respect and this ensures good relationships. This is crucial in effective learning and the creation of happy students and staff. All students are expected to maintain high levels of attendance and meet homework requirements. This is fundamental to achieving a culture of success. The relationship between school and parents and carers is important to us. We work closely with parents and carers to ensure that each young person is happy, safe and successful during their time at the school.

Loren Snow

loren snow


Hi, I'm Loren Snow: an autism trainer based in Bristol. I’ve spent the past decade studying mental health, psychology, relationships, identity, and just about anything to do with why we humans think and act the way we do. I believe that we're all human, and make mistakes, fumble, fall, laugh, love - and despite our differences, we all share this same connection. I'm a strong believer in having the courage to be open and honest and that our truth and vulnerability can be powerful forces in showing us how connected we really are. In my early-twenties I was diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, and OCD. For me, these were revelations, and all the strange ways I behaved started to make sense. But why in my twenties... surely someone should have noticed or said something?!? As I came to learn more about autism I soon realised that my experience was all too common. The reality is there are many complicated things around autism, such as echolalia, alexithymia, and proprioception; there are many misconceptions in the media, such as autistic people lacking empathy; and there are many mis/un-diagnosed autistic adults out there like I used to be. This made me decide that I should explain these things so others wouldn't have to struggle as I did. I've spoken on podcasts, radio, to large and small crowds. My YouTube videos have been watched by tens of thousands! I've taught thousands of parents of autistic and ADHD children and teach regular courses to parents and autistic people. I see many businesses confused about how to help, parents lost on what to believe, and autistic people struggling to understand themselves. So what better place to learn about autism than directly from an autistic person like myself!

Auchmuty High School

auchmuty high school

Welcome te the Auchmuty High Schosl Website I hope tat all information contained within the ste provides you wth an understanding of who we are as a school and what we stand for. aso hope that you are able to get a feel for our welcoming and triendly school which places respect, empathy, achievement and felong leaming at the heart of l that we do. As a school, we pride ourselves on our positive reputation and strong ethas which is respected and modelled by al members of the school community. To support all of our young people and prepare them for ife and work, we have high standards and expectations of school dress, behaviour, effort and application. We are fuly committed to delivering the highest standards of learning and teaching. and we insgire and support our learners to be all that they can be by equlpping them with the enowiedge, values and ski b they require for a fuifiling lie. lam extremely proud to be the Headteacher of Auchmuny High School. tis a pleasure and a privilege to be part of such a caring and inclusive team. The young people's needs are very much at the heart of evenything we do and we are commttnd to doing all that we can to support every yeung person in realising their fulil potential We are keen te work in partnership with al members of the school communty to ensure that we are getting tright for all our young people. To this end. you are always very wekcome to discuss your wews with us Should you wish to meet with a member of the Auchmuty High School team, please do not hesitate to get in touch Take care

Human Story

human story


HUMAN is a storytelling and strategy agency that creates media for social impact. We work with an array of public and private-sector companies, nonprofit and intergovernmental organizations to design objective-driven stories that come to life through branding, video, and digital media. Whether we are helping brands redefine their corporate social responsibility platform or creating original documentary content for a nonprofit, HUMAN helps an array of organizations strengthen their commitment to elevating humanity. We are Emmy nominated experts in how to use media to achieve objectives beyond awareness. Our researchers and strategists think across sectors to harness potential and direct that energy to create specific change and then layer story on top of the data. HUMAN carefully balances advocacy goals, scientific innovation, the best of media and storytelling combined with an authentic artistic voice to make nonpareil media for impact. What We Believe Δ is core to being human. The Greek letter Delta (δέλτα) is a symbol used to denote change. As humans, we are constantly evolving. When we change, we change the world around us. The opportunity to improve the human condition through storytelling inspires us to create and innovate. Change is our ethos. Human emotions are created by our experiences. These emotions are the primary influence of the choices we make. Collectively, these choices determine how humans behave which then affects the experience of other human beings. Stories allow other’s to step into the world of another. Storytelling has the power to inspire us to be our best and disrupt cycles of violence by challenging the narratives of fear. Stories allow us to feel the emotion of our own experience and the experience of others which develops deeper empathy and understanding.

Stokesley School

stokesley school

North Yorkshire

Stokesley School enjoys a strong reputation within the local community and beyond. Our students are well known for achieving high academic outcomes: we outperform a range of national attainment figures at GCSE and A-Level. We also have excellent progression rates with many of our students following higher education courses and, ultimately, career paths in medicine, veterinary science and mechanical engineering, to name but a few. Like all schools, we have areas to improve, but the dedication of our professional staff means we are driving forward change at a rapid rate and are at a really exciting time in our development. Furthermore, academic achievement does not tell the full story of our school: it is equally important to us to develop our students as responsible and sensitive young adults, fostering within them core values of integrity, empathy, diligence, discipline, perseverance and – perhaps above all else – kindness. Our values at school are simple: we want our students to be ready, respectful and ambitious, and these are underpinned by the school’s motto of ‘being the best we can be’. We do not believe in zero tolerance as every child is different, but we do believe that all children can achieve high standards of conduct and performance regardless of their background or personal circumstances. As part of the Areté Learning Trust, we are an outward facing school: we work closely with our partner academies, Richmond School and Sixth Form College and Northallerton School and Sixth Form College, and also collaborate with other local schools on a range of projects. This enables us to be highly reflective as a staff and constantly seek new opportunities to promote success for the young people in our care. The Headteacher of Stokesley School is Mrs Hannah Millett who can be contacted via the school.

Navitas Safety

navitas safety


Innovative, supportive and passionate about food safety since 1989. We’re a bunch of people who love doing what we do, to keep you safe. We put our customers at the heart of everything we do here at Navitas Safety. When joining our family, either as a member or as a partner, we truly value authentic and human relationships in order to delight and amaze all along the safety journey. Joining Navitas Safety means gaining a long-term expert partner to have your back at all times. We do our best to give you complete safety reassurance with accuracy and integrity. Our adaptive and inquisitive mindset is the promise of continual improvement to support our partners at all times. Empathy 🧡 Every business and person is unique and we pride ourselves on our empathetic approach to food safety. Our team will put themselves in your shoes (or chef hats!) to truly understand every aspect of food safety we can help you with. By doing so, we create a unique solution that matches your exact needs. Passionate about innovation ⭐ You can’t stop us when it comes to innovating! We are passionate about finding new ways to positively impact foodservice businesses. Our 33+ years of experience in the industry have been marked by our innovative and unique approach to simple food safety processes. Passion is our team’s energy and mantra to continuously develop unique solutions. Sustainability 🌍 We wish to give our partners the very best - and we think the planet deserves it too! We continually innovate to allow even more energy efficiencies with our technology, as well as finding new ways to further reduce paper use and cut food waste. Both for our partners and internally. Good for you, good for the planet.