landex land based colleges aspiring to excellence
We help Land Based Colleges and Universities achieve excellence We have 36
member Colleges and Universities in England and 3 Members in Wales, Scotland and
Northern Ireland. To qualify for membership the provider must deliver
significant volumes of education and training in land based occupational areas.
Landex was formed in 2006 from its predecessor organisation, Napaeo, which was
founded in 1950, and represented the interests of land based Colleges and the
industries they served during a period of continuous change and development.
We’re proud to have supported Land Based Colleges & Universities for over 70
years Our mission is to ensure that all our members will be recognised by their
learners and stakeholders as providing high quality cost-effective land based
(Agri-Food, Land and Animal Sciences) education, training and professional
development. They are valued by their communities and employers for their
contribution to the sustainability of businesses, the well-being of society and
the prosperity of rural economies.