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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic School, Birmingham

st thomas aquinas catholic school, birmingham


We have highly-qualified, experienced and dedicated teaching staff and a proven track record of progression onto higher education and employment. The St Bernadette Centre has recently undergone significant refurbishment and investment. Students have exclusive access to a group work room on their study day which doubles as a social space at break and lunch. They also have access to computer facilities in our new library which provides a modern learning space to aid them as they become more independent learners. Our curriculum offers the very best in both academic and vocational courses to match the needs of all our students. All Sixth Form students study Core RE across their two year career with us and complete the Extended Project, applying Catholic Social Teaching to a moral and ethical issue of their choice. Whilst we believe in allowing greater freedom to our students, we strive to have a true partnership between students, parents and tutors. Excellent pastoral care is provided by experienced tutors who advise, encourage and monitor student progress. The Duke of Edinburgh Award remains a strong feature of our school into the Sixth Form. The award gives students the chance to experience physical activities, volunteering, whilst developing life skills through expeditions; it is valued by universities and employees alike. During May half-term, Sixth Form students join the annual Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes to care for and assist the sick and disabled pilgrims. This is a very popular extra-curricular opportunity which really demonstrates the faith of our students in action. Throughout the week God’s love in action is seen through the selfless service of the young people and their generosity of spirit, sharing their talents and energy and time willingly with others.

Kidz Own Out Of School Club

kidz own out of school club


Welcome to Coten End Primary School! We hope that this website gives you an insight into life at our very special and immensely popular school. We are in a lovely location in the centre of Warwick and there is a very strong sense of community. It is the people who make a school and we are fortunate to have wonderful children, parents, staff and governors who share a common aim of wanting the very best educational experiences for every child. Our vision is ‘Learning for everyone, learning from everyone’. We are wholly committed to this and it is evident on a daily basis. We take the education of children and young people very seriously and it is a privilege to be trusted with this important role. Children only get one chance and that is why we strive to make every day matter. At Coten End Primary School, we are proud of our acknowledged commitment to each individual child. We recognise that children learn and develop in different ways so we aim to provide a curriculum that supports, challenges and enriches every step of the learning journey for every child. Some children will need specific support at some point in their school career with something they find challenging and we aim to provide that support within a caring environment, drawing on a wide range of external expertise as appropriate. Similarly, many children are ready to embrace a high level of challenge to reach their full potential and we provide a personalised approach to their learning. Every child matters at Coten End and I welcome the opportunity to discuss with you how we can work together to meet your child’s individual needs.

Chrysalis Craft Coventry

chrysalis craft coventry


Chrysalis Craft Coventry CIC was founded in March 2020 in response to the urgent unmet needs of BAME and migrant communities who were disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The lockdown has challenged the mental health and wellbeing of everyone, more so for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in our communities. Many have experienced unimaginable trauma and have seen major disruptions in their life already. The pandemic has amplified further the existing mental health problems. Often left in limbo, not able to take on higher education studies and not allowed to work (with many refugees under or unemployed) and likely to face loneliness or worse, direct discrimination, within their new communities. Chrysalis Craft Coventry CIC run sessions and activities to help with healing, using art and different artistic methods for wellbeing. The aim is to build self-esteem and friendship through artistic techniques, using art to work against loneliness as a result of language, cultural and ability barriers. The social enterprise supports people from a variety of different backgrounds, focussing on disadvantaged adult women immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Focusing on women who came to Coventry and the surrounding area recently, and those who have been here for a long time, but who have experienced barriers to integration. Local authority, NHS and charities working with migrants’ commission and refer people onto in-person and online workshops. Grant funding supports materials and content development. Over the short period of the start-up, Chrysalis Craft Coventry CIC supported thousands of individuals suffering from loneliness, domestic abuse, stress, anxiety, depression, homesickness and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder because of life experiences with positive results. During the pandemic the workshops have proven invaluable, acting as a safe environment and an information and signposting service. Directing people to urgently needed services they could not reach due to language barrier or stigma caused by misinformation.

IOA Central Branch

ioa central branch


The Institute of Acoustics is the UK's professional body for those working in acoustics, noise and vibration. It was formed in 1974 from the amalgamation of the Acoustics Group of the Institute of Physics and the British Acoustical Society (a daughter society of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers). The Institute of Acoustics is a nominated body of the Engineering Council, offering registration at Chartered and Incorporated Engineer levels. The Institute has some 3000 members from a rich diversity of backgrounds, with engineers, scientists, educators, lawyers, occupational hygienists, architects and environmental health officers among their number. This multidisciplinary culture provides a productive environment for cross-fertilisation of ideas and initiatives. The range of interests of members within the world of acoustics is equally wide, embracing such aspects as aerodynamics, architectural acoustics, building acoustics, electroacoustics, engineering dynamics, noise and vibration, hearing, speech, underwater acoustics, together with a variety of environmental aspects. The lively nature of the Institute is demonstrated by the breadth of its learned society programmes. There are three corporate grades of membership, namely Honorary Fellow, Fellow, and Member, and four non-corporate grades of Associate Member, Technician Member, Affiliate, and Student. The Institute is well supported by organisations which have become Sponsor Members and by its Key Sponsors. A recent employment survey shows that of our 3000 members, some 900 are employed in industry, commerce and consultancies, 400 in education and research, and nearly 500 in public authorities. Among the more specialist areas in which acousticians are employed are the audio and hi-fi industry, auditorium and concert hall design, broadcasting, telecommunications, quiet vehicle and product design, sonar system design, human-computer interaction, environmental noise control and health and safety management. The Institute works closely with other professional bodies in related fields, including CIEH, REHIS and IOSH and the Association of Noise Consultants. As one of the smaller professional institutions, the Institute of Acoustics has particular strengths in its learned society programmes and its cohesive role for the subject. There is a club atmosphere in its activities and it is possible for members to maintain personal contacts with colleagues engaged in other related areas of acoustics. There is a high participation rate by members in the conference, subject specialist meetings and regional branch activities of the Institute. The Institute offers members a Continuous Professional Development support scheme, a feature which is becoming increasingly recognised as an essential element in ensuring that professionals can keep up-to-date with rapidly changing technological and regulatory issues. Specialist interests are catered for through specialist groups, and regional activities are promoted by a number of regional branches. The work of the Institute relies heavily, of course, on the voluntary efforts of many members of Council, of its Standing Committees and of the Group and Branch Committees. The Institute publishes a bi-monthly Acoustics Bulletin, containing articles of professional, academic and technical interest and the Institute's Proceedings record the two hundred or more papers presented at our formal meetings each year. An education programme, comprising a Diploma in Acoustics and Noise Control and several Certificate of Competence courses is offered at a number of Centres throughout the UK. The Diploma is also available by tutored distance learning. Through specialist Institute of Acoustics working groups, support is given to the development of legislation in these areas, and there is considerable activity by Institute members in UK, European and International Standards development. The Institute is a founding member of the European Acoustics Association (EAA), a member society of the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE) and a member of the International Commission for Acoustics (ICA)

Nouveau Theatre School

nouveau theatre school


We have an exceptional teaching programme that has been carefully developed from the countless years of professional practice and teaching experience teachers attribute to the school. Our students don't just focus on technique and practical training, we know the fundamental importance of theoretical and subject knowledge. An in depth understanding of a subject and it's industry will have a positive benefit to a students learning and future achievements. Core subjects taught at Nouveau follow the IDTA teaching syllabus and will require students to take graded examinations two or three times a year. We maintain a 100% pass rate across all examined subjects. Every child should have the opportunity to dance and perform. Serious or hobby our school welcomes all, regardless of ability and circumstance. Recreational lessons offer fun, healthy early learning, introducing students to an exciting interest and great opportunities. Experience and opportunity play a key role in the preparation of a child pursuing any kind of career. A student looking at progressing to higher education, focused on the performing arts will find learning with Nouveau a valuable, memorable experience. Recreational and intensive learning will actively provide a student with performance experience as well as a healthy and engaging educational activity. Rec students can take part in shows and other exciting school activities without the pressure of exams. For the more committed student taking IDTA graded classes offers fantastic experiences and opportunities invaluable to a young creatives development. Graded students have the chance to be a part of dance festivals, compete internationally with our world champion comp team, take part in industry workshops, auditions and public performances plus much more. Being a part of our school is more than just learning and practice. A child's time at Nouveau will be a happy and nurturing part of their growing. Making new friends and learning new skills, reaching new heights and building a firm industry foundation are just a few of the wonderful things that can be found at Nouveau Theatre School.



West Mids

CSCT – the UK’s Premier Supplier of Counselling Training Materials CSCT has been dedicated to the provision of the highest quality training for counsellors and those wishing to develop their people skills for over 40 years. A Unique Provider Counselling training is one of the fastest growing areas of vocational and part-time study in the UK. Our courses attract not just those interested in becoming a counsellor. Individuals from many other walks of life study with us for their own personal reasons. Many simply have a strong personal interest in acquiring some counselling skills; others undertake our courses to enhance their inter-personal skills and their general potential at work. CSCT provides a range of courses specifically to cover every level of interest. Full details of all the courses are contained in the ‘Courses’ section. CSCT courses are available throughout the UK via a comprehensive network of FE Colleges and private providers. Why CSCT? CSCT has a proven track record of creating, administering and supporting counselling training courses. Our highly experienced team of academic experts produce fully comprehensive tutor and trainee materials written to a given awarding body’s specifications. We are committed to providing high quality training programmes that reflect current thinking and research in the field and meet the changing needs of the counselling profession. Our materials give tutors and trainees the confidence and peace of mind that awarding body requirements can be fulfilled through timed sessions, individual and group exercises, topics for further discussion, points for reflection and discussion, and tutor evaluation questions. We also have available a range of non-RQF CSCT courses (including CSCT Introduction to Counselling) that are available with a CSCT certification. Funding for non-RQF courses is at the discretion of local Learning and Skills Councils. Please contact, info@counsellingtraining.com for further details. With more than two decades working with the Further Education sector and small/medium enterprises in the UK, Eire, the Netherlands and Gibraltar – and having trained over 50,000 students in that time – we understand fully the demands and needs of counselling training.

Refuge In Literacy Uk

refuge in literacy uk


Refuge In Literacy UK began when children’s author Anne Stairmand donated signed copies of her books to a local domestic violence refuge at Christmas 2020. The response was so positive she wondered if this would be the case throughout the UK, and so she spent the following January and February speaking to over 300 refuges in the UK asking whether authors donating signed copies of their books to their local refuges would make an impact. From the joy of receiving a personal gift, to the simple joy of reading, to the educational, emotional and self-improvement opportunities books can present – which in turn can create empowerment and self-esteem – it was clear these books would have an impact. Children will have a sense of value, worth, self-esteem … They will harness a willingness to read, to learn, to savour the process of reading, escapism and transformative powers of a book. — Thurrock Changing Pathways Essex, 2021 Refuge In Literacy UK is also aiming to address a lack of consistency in literacy resources and training by supporting refuges with reading strategy prompts which feed into the National Curriculum. Our pilot refuges, currently nine across the UK, will help trial these, and evaluations will help us refine and improve. The wider benefits of a signed personal copy of a book cannot be underestimated, encouraging children and parents to become literacy confident in reading, writing and comprehension. — Glasgow Women’s Aid, 2021 We are a board of six directors and have seven board advisors with expertise in many different areas who attend meetings to support and advise throughout the year. The personal benefits of having a newly, personally signed book, creates a sense of empowerment. However, the benefits transcend far beyond the token of a personal gift. — Liverpool Women’s Refuge, 2021 As we are a non-profit organisation, the board are committed to helping those in domestic violence refuges to improve literacy life chances in for those in education and in the wider world.

West Coventry Academy

west coventry academy


In practice, this means that we expect students, staff, parents and governors to model these core values. Student Expectations Respectful Students show respect for themselves, their peers, staff and the community. Communicate with others in a calm and respectful manner Listen and respect other people’s views Have respect for the school site and learning environment Have a healthy, active and proactive lifestyle, with self-respect and self-discipline Recognition that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Students are responsible for their own behaviour and their consequences. Students are responsible for their own learning Students are responsible for wearing the correct uniform, bringing the correct books and equipment to school. Students are responsible to complete their work (including homework) Students are responsible to attend/complete any sanctions issued due to inappropriate behaviour or missed work. Students are responsible to report any inappropriate behaviour to an appropriate adult Resilient Students become more resilient when they realise that it is important to make mistakes and learn from them When finding work difficult, students should not just give up Re-read the work, look at previous work, have another go! Only ask for help when the above has been done Have high expectations of yourself Learn from experiences, in order to become stronger and better at tackling the next challenge Ready to Learn Students attend school in correct uniform, on time and with the correct equipment books Be punctual for all lessons, enter rooms calmly, take out equipment and start the Do Now in silence Make sure all home and prior learning tasks have been completed Have the right attitude to learn and actively engage in lessons Staff Expectations Respectful Staff model respectful behaviour to promote a culture of mutual respect Communicate with others in a calm and respectful manner Feedback on work respectfully, showing students that their work and effort has been valued. Show respect through being fair and consistent when dealing with students Promote that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Staff are responsible for creating a positive and calm learning environment Teachers are responsible for delivering well planned and meaningful learning experiences Teachers understand the responsibility of their role as a tutor Staff understand the responsibility of working in a school Staff are responsible for modelling expectations Staff are responsible for challenging poor behaviour and uphold school policies consistently. Resilient Support the whole school community to build resilience Identify vulnerable students that may have barriers to learning, support them in reducing barriers and equip them with the skills to build their resilience Praise student’s efforts Teach students that we learn from make mistakes Be open and flexible to new initiatives Develop a Growth Mindset Ready to Learn Ensure lessons are well planned and have impact for all students Ensure you are punctual to lessons and greet the students in a positive way Ensure school rules are applied consistently and fairly Listen to student concerns and help students overcome barriers to learning Empower students to become independent learners Parent Expectations Respectful Promote respectful behaviour within their families Communicate with the school in a calm and respectful manner Respect that all school decisions they are made with best interests of the students Respect the school rules and explain to their child the importance of them Respect the importance of education and teach their child the value of it Promote that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Parents are responsible for their child’s attendance and behaviour Parents are responsible to ensure their child is kept safe and well. Parents are responsible to ensure their child has the correct uniform and equipment. Parents are responsible for communicating with the school to flag any issues that may affect their child’s learning. Parents are responsible challenge poor behaviour and celebrate success Resilient Build up their child’s resilience through supporting them emotionally and helping them to show determination in the face of adversity Promote the importance of “Learning from mistakes” Demonstrate a positive attitude about education and their child Praise their child’s efforts and not just their academic achievements Ready to Learn Ensure their child attends school on time, in the correct uniform and with the right books/equipment Support their child with their learning Develop a partnership with the school Keep track of their child’s homework and behaviour by accessing classcharts regularly Encourage their child to read and to become an independent learner