medway culture club
Who we are?
This community-lead Charity was formed in 2020 with the objective of improving
social isolation and promoting racial harmony in Medway. We are an independent
initiative who provide supplementary education to support the cultural diversity
within our community. Our volunteers include a variety of qualified educators
and professionals providing positive representation, with a shared passion for
unity and youth work.
What we do?
We offer workshops, classes and events for children aged 5-16 years, which
address the educational gaps in history and highlight the positive contributions
that have helped shape our society. Our volunteers encourage good citizenship
and community cohesion, which broadens the understanding of ourselves and the
wider world. We do this by creating cultural access points and increasing active
engagement in areas such as: arts & culture, literature, history, music and
sports. Fun, interactive activities are planned and delivered on a monthly
basis through a combination of structured lessons, practical play, and social