You are tomorrow's creative pioneer
Sharing opportunities to all Building Growth South West is committed to supporting Construction SMEs by offering skills and training that is partially funded by European Social Fund (ESF). Click below to find out more about the programmes we offer. We are here to support the built environment through investment in employment, skills and training.
Lack of engagement with education can arise from various disadvantages or childhood experiences, with a huge negative impact on young people’s self-worth and aspirations.
Bristol’s Puppy Training Specialist As a child I worked in boarding kennels, volunteered at the local vet and zoo, and then studied Zoology and Behaviour at University.
Dyslexia is a processing difficulty with language. This can affect different kinds of language such as reading, writing and maths. To discover more about dyslexia see our resources below.
Textile studio based in Newport (South Wales), stocking a wide range of fabrics, patterns, notions and accessories. We host regular workshops in store.
Home - VIMA Group
Wildflower Nursery | Grow Wilder UK Native Wildflower Nursery and Vegetable Plant Seller. Buy online and support the Avon Wildlife Trust.
Our online platform environment offers a range of learning media. Attend live courses or refresh your memory by watching recorded sessions. If you prefer, check out all content in a written format and use our quizzes to keep you on track.