Prepare For Birth | Shoreham Hypnobirthing | England "I was absolutely terrified about giving birth to my baby, but now I am excited..." Better Birth's Start with Shoreham Hypnobirthing. Everything you need to know to have the best birth for you...and your baby! Complete antenatal courses for parents.
Tutoring service | A helping hand | United Kingdom A helping hand tutoring is a quality tuition business; offering one-to-one, group lessons and exam prep for all ages and all levels. Lessons available in person and virtually via Zoom. Information on pricing, services and upcoming events.
The Cheesemaking Workshop - Sussex
Home — Ali's Holistics Training
The TEXTILES SKILLS CENTRE brings together industry and education experts to support, develop and deliver resources, courses and events for textiles teachers, trainers and the open community.
We provide: nutritious and delicious paid school meals to young people in the county access to a free school meals service a fantastic Meals on Wheels service, provided in partnership by the award-winning HILS team to help people stay happy, healthy and independent at home for as long as they wish support for Fairtrade in West Sussex.
Voluntary Action Arun & Chichester - support for charities VAAC - Promoting and supporting Voluntary and Community Groups across Arun and Chichester. Free advice, information, support, training and events.