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1010 Educators providing Education courses in Hatfield

Townsend Va Church Of England

townsend va church of england

St. Albans

As the only Church of England secondary school in this area, we offer something very special: a long tradition of a high quality education which develops the personality and talents of every child in our care. The school is open to everyone and you do not have to go to Church to apply for admission. As a Church of England School, we are very conscious of our mission to provide your daughter or son with more than just academic success. We are a school with clear principles and ideals based on a Christian ethos, and this philosophy is central to our success. Our great strength is that we keep reminding ourselves of what every parent/carer knows: children learn best when they are happy. We provide a stimulating learning environment where all children can achieve, whatever their ability or aptitude. All students are valued as individuals and all flourish in a community that lives by the Christian values of love, compassion and respect for each other. We uphold the traditional values of good manners and hard work and have high expectations of all our students. Our teaching encourages independent learning and provides students with those skills and qualities which they need to take them through the 21st century. We instil a love of learning and offer a wealth of cultural, social and sporting activities through which your child can find and develop new interests and skills. I look forward to welcoming you and your son or daughter into our lively and thriving community.

Enfield Turkish Cypriot Association

enfield turkish cypriot association


ETCA is an organisation which grew from modest beginnings. In 1991 A few Turkish Cypriots in Enfield, had the vision or creating an association to serve Enfield's subs~antial, but voiceless Turkish Cypriot population by providing and facilitating access to, appropriate services sensitive to their culture, language and religion. In October 1994 a steering committee was elected and completed all the groundwork for the organisation's inaugural Annual General Meeting. At this meeting, held in January oj 1995, the organisation elected its first Management Committee and ratified its constitution. Since those early days, the organisation has gone from strength to strength, initiating and operating voluntary prf!jects in many key areas including Elders provision, Education, Health!nformation &Advice, Youth & Sports. In May 1996 a new Management Committee was elected. They continued the organisation's development, consolidating' ETCA's existing projects, initiating new ones. They" secured much needed self contained office space, for the expanded organisation, in Community House. The Association also achieved its first substantial grant funding from the National Lottery Charities Board for the Health Project, followed shortly by a grant for an Education consortium bringing together nearly all the Turkish Schools in Enfield. Throughout 1997 & 1998 the organisati'ln continued to increase its capacity to help more Turkish Cypriots in more ways. ETCA launched a Women's Group, extended the Sports project to incorporate two new youth football teams and a Table Tennis team and initiated the much needed Home Careproject. Today the organisation provides support, advice and help for thousands of Turkish Cypriots within Enfield and is subsequently one of England's biggest and most effective organisation in its field of work. Last year Lejke Elders Project was launched together with the Homelessness Project, Sure Start Project and Day Respite Service Project. ETCA, 1991 yılındaki mütevazi bir başlangıçtan bugünlere gelen bir örgüttür. Enfield'de bir kaç Kıbrıslı Türk, Enfield'in sayıca çok ama sesi pek duyulmayan Kıbrıslı Türk nüfüsun kültürüne, dil ve dinine uygun hizmetleri sağlamaya ya da bu hizmetlere ulaşmanın yollarını bulmaya yardımcı olacak bir dernek yaratma düşüncesindeydiler. Ekim 1994'te bir kurucu komite seçildive örgütün kurucu kongresi için bütün ön çalışmaları tamamladı. Ocak1995'te yapılan bu kongrede örgüt ilk Yönetim Kurulunu seçti ve tüzüğünü onayladı. O günlerden bu yana örgüt, Yaşlılara Hizmet, Eğitim, Sağlık, Bilgi ve Danışma, Gençlik ve Spor da dahil olmak üzere birçok temel alanada gönüllü projeler başlatıp işleterek güç kazandı. Mayıs 1996'da yeni bir Yönetim Kurulu seçildi.Y eniYönetim Kurulu örgütün gelişmesi, ETCA'nın varolan projelerinin sağlamlaştırılması ve yeni projelerin başlatılmasi çalışmalarına devam etti. Toplum Evi'nde ( CommunityHouse) artık genişlemiş olan örgütün çok ihtiyaç duyduğu, kendine ait bir ofis sağladl. Dernek ayrıca Milli Piyango Vakıflar Kurumu'ndan Sağlık Projesi i!çin ilk büyük mali yardımı almayı başardı. Bunu kısa süre sonra Enfield'deki Türk Okullarının hemen hemen hepsini biraraya getiren Eğitim Konsorsiyumu yardımı izledi. 1998'de örgüt, kadın projesini başlatarak, spor projesini iki yeni futbol takımı ve bir masa tenisi takımını kapsayacak şekilde genişleterek ve dört gözle beklenen Evde- Bakım projesine girişerek gücüne güç katmaya, saygınlıgını artırmaya devam etti. Bügün dernek, belediye sınırları içinde binlerce Kıbrıslı Tiürk'e destek, danışma ve yardım sağlayan,kendi alanında ingiltere'nin en büyük ve en etkin kuruluşlarından biridir. Geçtiğimiz dönemde 'Lefke ve Bölgesi Yaşlılarevi' projesini hayata geçiren ETCA, ayrıca evsizler, 0-4 yaş arası çocuğu olan anneler veya hamile kadınlar ve ailesinden birisine bakmakta olan kimselere manevi destek sağlayan kişilere destek veren projeleri de hayata geçirmiştir.

Roundwood Park School

roundwood park school


With Grammar schools in nearby St Albans, that meant that it was in reality a secondary modern school although as its pupils reached school leaving age (15 in those days) it soon became apparent that many wanted to stay on into the fifth year and take ‘O’ levels so that facility was provided. The school opened with three teaching blocks – still recognizable as ‘B’ block, ‘C’ block and the hall, gym etc. where the staff room and offices were. There were three forms, one in each of the second, third and fourth years and three first year forms, making a total of 179 pupils. There were ten teachers including the first head teacher – Mr Arthur Foxwell. The school was organised into four houses – Braille, Campbell, Grenfell and Nightingale – thus providing a competitive element for the popular Sports Day and, from 1961 when the town’s pool was opened, the Swimming Gala. After three years, the school had reached its planned maximum size but often exceeded that over subsequent years due to its increasing popularity with local residents as well as those in Wheathampstead and Redbourn. Now we receive many pupils from the other villages – Markyate, Flamstead and Kimpton. This is partly due to the closure of smaller secondary schools in Redbourn and Wheathampstead so that the ‘economies of scale’ can be taken advantage of, full comprehensive provision within Hertfordshire and also due to parental preference. Mr Foxwell retired in 1976 after 20 years as Headteacher and Mr Turnbull took over for 2 years, being followed by Mr Haydon Luke who stayed for 17 years. Andy Cunningham stayed for 6 years and was replaced by Mr Nick Daymond who also stayed for 6 years until he was succeeded by the current Headteacher, Mr Alan Henshall. At various times in between, the Deputy Heads have held the fort – Mr Lucas, Mr Surtees and Ms Linda Graham – all contributing to the continuity and stability that have been part of the Roundwood ethos. Roundwood21There have been many changes over the past 60 years resulting in upheaval and disruption – increasingly frequent times when the site appeared more like a building site as a new Sixth Form/Modern Foreign Languages block was constructed, soon to be followed by a new Maths/Music building and a Sports Centre. The school is also now an Academy. The changes have not affected the ethos of the school and Roundwood Park remains the same, continuing to educate local children in a caring and supportive way that encourages them to develop their best talents through a broad and balanced curriculum. This article is adapted from the original produced for the 50th celebrations by Ruth Martin & Christine Hood. UPDATE On 13 September 2018 Roundwood Park was proud to officially open a state of the art 3G artificial pitch on the school site. A joint venture with Harpenden Colts FC, and with a £500,000 grant from the Premier League and the FA Facilities Fund, it allowed us to replace the existing grass pitch, which was unsuitable for football during the winter months. The new pitch is used by all students and players from the school as well as Harpenden Colts FC, who operate around 60 teams across eight different training venues. Watford FC Community Sports and Education Trust also use the pitch to deliver sessions for female and disabled football, as well as its use for regular summer holiday camps and coach education workshops.

Decolonise The Curriculum

decolonise the curriculum


Decolonizing the Curriculum Project (DCP) at UoK (funded by Teaching Enhancement Award and led by Dr Suhraiya Jivraj, Senior Lecturer in Law) Students are increasingly demanding a ‘liberated curriculum’ that represents their diversity as we see from #liberatemydegree, ‘Why is My Curriculum White?’ and other movements mentioned above as well as Kent Student Union campaign ‘Diversify My Curriculum’. Also at UoK law and politics students on the Race, Religion and Law module (convened by Dr Suhraiya Jivraj) have relished the opportunity both in workshops and through their assessment to explore both historical and contemporary issues that enable them to acquire ‘consciousness of their own position and struggle’ in society and education. The UoK EDI Project phase II strategy acknowledges this need in affirming that the ‘white curriculum acts as a barrier to inclusivity’ including because ‘it fails to legitimise contributions to knowledge from people of colour’. Phase II therefore seeks to ensure that ‘our curriculum reflects and addresses a range of perspectives’ and asks how this can be operationalised specifically at UoK. Modules like RRL and others in KLS are already operationalising a more inclusive curriculum requiring students to engage with key works from critical race/religion and decolonial studies which offer alternative perspectives to those heteronormative and euro-centric perspectives of white, able-bodied men dominating the western canon. This project will go one significant step further by placing students of colour as well as knowledge produced by people of colour at the centre. Being a student led project is crucial as it empowers them to become change actors and co-producers of knowledge, shaping the agenda and curriculum that seeks to include them. Moreover, it enables them to be ‘assets’ rather than see themselves represented as quantitative data in University diversity reports which does not capture the nuance and complexity of their lived realities. Empowerment for self-determination at the grassroots level is key as is apparent from student led movements that have already effected change in the curriculum. The desire for self and culturally intelligible knowledge is now well documented including in the University of Kent, Student Success (EDI) Project, Phase I:Report 2 ‘Theory and research on race and attainment in UK higher education’ by Hensby and Mitton (2017). This project seeks to operationalise this further and more broadly through the following three interlinked activities: 1) Focus groups: · Up to five stage 3 students will lead focus groups of five to ten BAME students from across the KLS UG programme. · The focus group leaders will form a research team and design the format and questions collaboratively, under the supervision of Dr Jivraj, using naturalistic methods and going through the KLS ethics approval process. 2) Publication of findings: · The data from the focus groups will be collated by the research team and will produce an accessible output such as a ‘manifesto of suggestions’ on making the curriculum more inclusive and a co-authored e-book. · The research team will also be supported in publishing findings via a blog and social media. 3) Student led conference · The workshop committee will organise a half day student led conference to discuss the findings and invite speakers from campaigns such as the NUS #liberatemydegree campaign; Why is My Curriculum White? (based at UCL); Decolonising our Minds SOAS; and the #Rhodesmustfall student movements and at least one academic speaker. Watch this space for further details.

Haringey Nursery Schools Training Consortium

haringey nursery schools training consortium


The Consortium was formed in 2011 to represent the progressive and outward looking role of nursery schools in the 21st century. We are a partnership of three maintained nursery schools in Haringey with a rich and diverse history of excellent integrated early years practice. Our central aim is to progress our role in leading system improvement in the Early Years in Haringey and beyond. Within our local authority we have established a strong reputation for providing high quality accredited and non-accredited training. This has been enhanced by working in partnership with the Haringey Early Years Team, Pen Green, Derby University, Middlesex University and Barnet and Southgate college. The schools are located in areas with some of the highest levels of deprivation within the borough of Haringey and serve a diverse population representing a rich cultural and ethnic mix. Typically 24 different languages are being spoken at each school and 65% of the pupil cohort have EAL. Each nursery school has an on site Children’s Centre and a key aspect of this work is supporting families onto pathways back into employment. The centres have effective on site volunteer training and placements for families within the community. We have been part of projects to enable and enhance children's learning and development across the curriculum and widened our partnership through collaborative creative projects including link work with Italy. Sweden, Finland & Denmark. We are one of 16 consortiums designated as an Early Years Teaching Centre, by the DfE in 2011, and we continue to develop and promote the training of staff in local early years settings. Staff training and development is associated with higher quality early years provision (Study of Early Education and Development (SEED), 2017) Children who experience high quality early years provision are well placed to achieve higher outcomes at school and develop better social, emotional and cognitive abilities necessary for life-long learning. (Foundation Years Great Early Years & Childcare, Knowledge Hub, 2018) Who are we? The Haringey Nursery Schools Training Consortium is a collaboration between Rowland Hill, Woodlands Park and Pembury House Nursery School and Children’s Centres. This partnership was formed in 2010 in order to support young children and practitioners in Early Year’s settings locally and further afield. The Nursery Schools have on-site Children’s Centres and offer fully integrated care and education for families. The combined strength of the nursery schools together with children’s centre services and childcare enables them to offer a wide range of services to children and families. The Nursery Schools have been judged by Ofsted to have outstanding practice and in 2011 were awarded ‘Early Years Teaching Centre’ (EYTC) Status. What is our aim? The Nursery Schools have a reputation for exciting, innovative Early Years expertise, practice and research which we have developed in order to improve outcomes for young children and their families. Through a close, strategic partnership with the Local Authority and a range of other partners, we are able to offer a range of high quality training and development opportunities for those in the Early Years Workforce. This includes staff in Primary Schools, Nursery Schools, Private, Voluntary and Independent Early Years Settings and Childminders. Together with the Haringey Early Years Quality and Improvement Team, we also offer an annual Early Years Conference.

My Tutor Club

my tutor club


We have unparalleled knowledge, expertise and experience in all aspects of British education whether it be applying to schools and universities, preparing for exams or deciding on the right school for your child; we have it covered. Focused on you We are completely impartial and independent. We work entirely in your interests. This means providing you with bespoke advice on private tuition programmes and selecting schools and universities that are right for you. Our expert advice is free of any conflicts of interest and tailored to your specific requirements. Educators We believe that happy and confident learners are eager learners. Our central ethos is that learning should be relevant, engaging, challenging and fun. Our goal is always to try and make students want to learn more for themselves. Instillers We believe private tutoring is more than just preparing students for exams; we believe private tuition is also about instilling in students core life skills that are applicable to all aspects of life; whether it be communication skills, organisational skills, evaluating arguments, analytical thinking, creativity, structuring and forming arguments and asking questions. Proven in our methods My Tutor Club’s latest survey showed that in 2018, 93% of 11+ students won admission into either their first or second choice of school. In 2017, 92% of GCSE or A-level students either met or exceeded their grade expectations and 85% of university students secured offers from either their first or second choice of university. International We work with students and families from 30+ countries globally. Our online learning platform enables us to provide the same personalised and bespoke educational support and guidance wherever you are in the world.




Headteacher’s welcome JCoSS is dedicated to the pursuit of academic excellence, and to the full richness of Jewish learning. We provide a high-achieving, aspirational environment: our high quality teaching staff deploy the best in educational practice to ensure our students reach the highest levels of academic attainment. We are relentlessly ambitious for their success, tirelessly seeking to inspire them to outstanding results. At JCoSS we are committed to the success of each child in all that they do. We attach a high value to academic attainment, and we recognise and celebrate personal achievement across every field of endeavour. The JCoSS environment enriches our students with a wealth of opportunities both in and out of the classroom, so that they are well grounded and well rounded, able to achieve their potential in every way. JCoSS represents something unique in Jewish and British education. As a pluralist Jewish school we promote understanding and enquiry, we open minds and we strengthen dialogue. We embrace the entire Jewish community regardless of affiliation or observance, teaching the full range of Jewish beliefs, practices and values. Your child will learn in a way that affirms and enhances his or her faith, background and tradition. We encourage curious minds to ‘think otherwise’. We seek to spark brilliance in all our students and inspire them to become articulate, informed, confident and motivated young people, qualified and equipped for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. I feel very privileged to lead this wonderful school. My career has been spent in schools renowned for academic achievement, and I bring experience of overseeing hundreds of successful applications to Oxbridge and other competitive institutions. I am determined that JCoSS students should have every opportunity to achieve the highest standards in all that they do.




I was graduated from Yildiz Technical University, which is one of Turkey’s leading universities, Chemical Engineering Department in 2004. When I was studying at the university, I was tutoring lessons in chemistry, mathematics, physics and science. Later, I worked as a chemistry/science teacher in a private education tutoring school. I completed my master’s degree formation as a chemistry teacher which allowed me to work in all schools in Turkey as a Chemistry/Science Teacher. In addition, I started my master’s degree in chemical engineering. But, with the birth of my daughter, I quit my second master thesis. After working for 8 years as a chemistry/science teacher, I was promoted as the head of the chemistry and the department of science. Two years later, I was promoted to the Deputy Principal of the Secondary School. After working for 3 years as the Deputy Principal of the Secondary School, I worked for 2 years as the Principal of the Secondary and High School director. During my work, except for my business, I participated in many programmes to help and support young people. One of them is the Duke of Edinburgh International Youth Award. I worked as an award leader supervisor and coordinator. Another one is for gifted and talented students, I developed some activities in science and maths with my colleagues. During the period I worked, I realized the importance of personal development and participated in many training programs. After my training in mentoring and coaching, there was a huge change in my attitude on life. It is possible for each student to reach the maximum of his / her potential with proper directions. In this context, I am coaching and mentoring and try my best to guide the students and their parents to make the right choice for the right high school and the right university.

Safe Hearts

safe hearts

Waltham Cross

In 2015, with a mission, passion and dedication to empower business owners, managers, entrepreneurs, staff and individuals with high quality education, training and professional development on both a local and national scale - Safe Hearts Training Ltd was established by Sherry Diaz-Thompson. Having witnessed first-hand the devastation that underlying illnesses, workplace-related injuries, accidents and other diseases can cause, Sherry wanted to help, in fact she needed to help and make an impact by providing impactful training that is different, focused on companies and individuals needs whilst using all the experience, knowledge, skills, qualifications and expertise of carefully selected qualified instructors to help make a difference to people's lives – giving them the confidence they needed to take action when emergency may strike. This is extremely personal and important to Sherry because at 19 years old she was diagnosed with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), an inherited condition affecting the red blood cell and various organs in the body, which causes severe pain and hospitalisation. Without treatment, people with SCD may die in childhood but, even with treatment, it can still cause serious or life-threatening problems. Sherry firmly believes that the more people train, the better it is for individuals, families, workplaces, communities, healthcare and the social care sector. As there is a known chain reaction that happens when health or safety incidents strike – it affects everyone! Safe hearts training a registered training provider we run various BLS, ILS, PILS, AED, Medical Emergencies, Infection Control, Health and Safety and Safeguarding Courses to dental and healthcare professionals, businesses and individuals across the UK; providing training solutions that comply with current UK and International legislation.. We pride ourselves on supplying high quality, effective and affordable training ensuring Safe Hearts Training plays a vital role empowering people with the right knowledge, skills, strategies and confidence across the UK – Ultimately, saving lives, saving money, improve productivity and reducing workplace related accidents and injuries; creating a safe, happy and fulfilling working environment. Apart from our training division we are also suppliers of first aid kits, healthcare equipment, defibrillators and safety supplies for both the workplace and home. Adding Value! We are passionate and believe 100% in making our training a fun, interactive and a stimulating experience - our aim is to add value, build confidence and increase productivity. Safe Hearts Training is committed to tutor led theoretical and practical instruction by people who are experts in the industry and have real experience of relevant work environments. All our courses are accredited by the UK and Europe's # One Awarding bodies - Protrainings and TQUK complete with Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Credits for each learner. If you've ever been forced to sit through a boring, standardised training course, then you will understand our motivation for creating a more impactful and hands-on approach. We believe people learn best when they're able to participate, have fun and remain engaged throughout their learning experience. With a dedicated network of like-minded, experienced instructors we can provide the best learning experience ever without breaking the bank. Our Passion Our passion is to save lives and change mindsets through education by reaching potentially millions of people through educational and life-saving training anywhere in the world with our e-learning and video based courses – making our vision of global training a reality. EMPOWERING THE NEXT GENERATION Giving back to our community is part of our responsibility and so with our awarding body we can do can this the best way we know how by empowering the next generation with training that matters. Check out our FREE first aid training for school children throughout the UK. With thousands of children trained to date, we're making a great impact securing the world as a safer place for you, your children and for future generations.