stothard education
Assessments in education are a key tool to measure attainment and progress. But
whether the assessment is a 'high stakes' entrance exam, a diagnostic progress
test, or part of an academic research project, the data obtained will only be
meaningful if the assessment is properly designed and appropriately matched to
the intended audience. Some key questions include: Is the assessment fair? Will
it keep children engaged? Is there any inbuilt bias? Too hard or too easy?
Vulnerable to coaching/tutoring? Is the assessment accessible to pupils with
additional support needs? This is why I set up Stothard Education - using my
thirty years of assessment experience to help ensure children can maximise their
educational chances in life by providing assessments that are based on sound
theory and proven practice. We work with organisations including schools,
universities, publishers and education technology companies to make sure that
their educational assessments deliver the required data and outcomes.