the royal priesthood bible college
Welcome to The Royal Priesthood College. The college which offers “All Boarding
Facilities”, is located on the outskirts of Masvingo town in Zimbabwe. It was
founded by Mr Shepherd and Mrs Rosemary Dakar in 2018, to provide quality and
affordable education based on strong Christian Values and Ethos to enrolled
pupils and students. We are registered through the Zimbabwe Ministry of Primary
and Secondary Education to offer Early Childhood Development Training, Primary
and Secondary Education up to Advanced Level. At secondary school level, our
students study the Cambridge Education Syllabi. Since 2018 we have progressively
increased our enrolment at all levels of education taking cognizance of the need
to maintain a teacher to student ratio of 1:15 per class. Our pass rate which
started off at 70% has risen to above 90% and we are confident of reaching and
maintaining a 100% mark. This has been possible given the commitment that our
well-motivated teachers have shown, towards enabling students to assimilate as
much as they can before they go for examinations. We are proud to be among a
group of schools that provide quality education, clean and comfortable
accommodation as well as 3 course meals to our students and staff, all services
which make parents want to choose The Royal Priesthood College.