ursuline high school wimbledon
Ursuline High School, Wimbledon is a voluntary-aided, comprehensive high school
for Roman Catholic girls from 11-18. Under the Trusteeship of the Catholic
Archdiocese of Southwark. St Angela Merici Feast Day: 27 January. The school has
moved through several phases during its history... The Ursulines were founded by
St Angela Merici who lived in Italy in the 16th century. St Angela was born
around 1475 in Desenzano on the shores of Lake Garda in Northern Italy. She was
left an orphan in early life and spent several of her early years at Salo with
her uncle. She acted as an advisor to the rich and influential and was known for
her ability to reconcile those with differences. She was a ready helper of the
poor and needy and she took a foremost place in what was very much a man's
world. She moved to Brescia - the scene of her main work and where she
eventually founded her company. On the 25th November 1535 St Angela founded the
company of St Ursula, putting the company under the patronage of this early
English saint, who was popular in the middle ages as the Patroness of learning.
This was a particularly appropriate choice, as it reflected her concerns for the
development and fulfilment of women. Her companions lived in their own homes but
were consecrated to a life of poverty and virginity. After St Angela's death in
1540 her company became involved in evangelisation especially through education.
Many branches of St Angela's company flourished and spread. There are many ways
in which St Angela had a lasting effect on the company she founded and on the
Church. Like St Paul she made herself all things to all people for the sake of
the Gospel to bring all people to Christ. In her writings there is a great
emphasis on prayer and all through her life St Angela was known as a woman of
prayer. She also made a clear stand against the luxury of the world around her.
She emphasized true poverty of spirit and trust in God alone. St Angela was also
an educator in the widest sense of the word and in particular in the Christian
context of leading people to find Christ in the circumstances of their lives.