wirral palliative care education hub
Wirral Palliative Care Education Hub is a partnership between Wirral Hospice St
John’s [https://www.wirralhospice.org/], Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS
Foundation Trust [https://www.wuth.nhs.uk/] (WUTH) and the Specialist Palliative
Care Team from Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
[https://www.wchc.nhs.uk/] (WCHC). Our collaboration delivers education sessions
for those with an interest in palliative care.
Wirral Palliative Care Education Hub is designed for people with an interest in
palliative care, whether they are fully qualified or undertaking further
learning to enhance a career in health and social care. Sessions are delivered
by experienced medical, clinical and allied health professionals, who outline
their own work and current best practise, across a range of physical, spiritual,
emotional and psychological, treatments and therapies for people with
life-limiting illnesses.
Providing learning and development opportunities for our staff (and volunteers,
where applicable) is an essential part of all of our organisations in delivering
the highest quality care and support services for our patients, their families,
and those important to them.