The Northern School of Dramatic Arts | Arden School of Theatre The Arden School of Theatre was established in association with The Royal Exchange Theatre. It was one of the first establishments in the UK to offer vocational, degree level theatrical courses. We continue to offer first class training in a stimulating environment.
Home | Strawberry Angels | model agency | child model | Ashton | photographer Strawberry Angels is one of the UK's leading childrens Modelling agency, for babies, children and teenagers. We represent 0-18 year olds for photographic, fashion, TV and film work across the UK.
Infinity Dance
We draw, we learn. Have fun.We look to the world for information to put into our art, but not to justify what we put into your art.
Youth Arts Organisation | Gorse Hill Studios | Stretford Gorse Hill Studios (GHSCC) is an ambitious youth arts charity, who believe all young people have the right to social, emotional, and educational investment in their future. We work with young people encouraging them to value themselves by taking an active role in their community and learning.
Dance & Fitness in Tameside | United Sports Coaching Check out the fantastic dance, drama, sports and fitness opportunities we have to offer!
Dance & Martial Arts Studio in Gorton Manchester Street, HipHop, Cheer, Ballet, Drama, KickBoxing, Pilates an more!