conscious womb birthing school
Creator of KMRT® Kinaesthetic Listening. Kundalini Magnetic Resonance Therapy.
An entrainment modality. Pioneering the language of the spirit to earth the
conscious baby from a subatomic level manifested into the physical body. The
modality is a translation of somatic expression and sound. Created from her
experience in kundalini embodiment. Her conscious journey beginning as an
Ayurvedic consultant specialising in fertility , pregnancy & birth led to the
vision and growth of her school. The language of the spirit baby came to her
through meditation accompanied by her soul hailing from ancient roots in the
yoga’s of Ayurveda, Tantra, Nada & Stapathya Vedas merging her knowledge of
Hermetic principles of light & vibration. Teaching the art of divination and the
process of natural law. She is a specialist of Spirit Baby energy. The pulse of
vibration coming into body through Bio Rhythms, Prenatal cognition with heart
coherence. The Sexuality of Birth and the conscious baby. Nature has an
intelligence and wisdom within its eco system just like the human body. Women
are the source of this nature and the grounding foundation of the heart of
nurturing her family and society. It is time to resource back to living through
natures cyclical rhythms through the heart of human consciousness. We are a
platform for natural birthing education through the Conscious Womb Birthing
School and a growing resource pool for mothers and families. With
anthropological insights straight from mothers/families, KMRT® practitioners
themselves. Bringing health, body autonomy and the sacred rites of passage for
women children and their families back to the root of Intuitive mothering and
conscious living. It takes Consciousness Creation & Connection.