Pet Training Courses deliver practical pet grooming training courses for those wanting to start out in the animal care industry.
People often ask me what it is I love most about my job and its simply teaching owners that any form of training or behaviour work is a two way conversation between them and their dog. Once this happens the joy I get from seeing their relationship and connection blossom is priceless.
Companion Minds Companion Minds, qualified and accredited dog trainer and behaviourist in North Lincolnshire. Offering 1-1 training, puppy classes, dog training classes, puppy socialisation sessions, and behaviour consultations.
Making the world a happier place for all dogs. Every dog deserves to be a Happy Hound for Life and everyone gets to play, kids included. Join us on this exciting journey today to see what it’s all about. SIMPLE, STRESS-FREE METHODS, STUNNING RESULTS FUN AND EASY TO REPLICATE AUTHENTIC AND FAMILY FRIENDLY POSITIVE AND REWARDING FOR ALL HOMESCHOOL YOUR DOG TO BE STRESS-FREE
Dog Trainer & Walker | Ubley | Dog House Blues Dog House Blues offers Puppy,Adolescent & Scent Detection Classes,1-2-1 Puppy & Adult Dog Training & Dog Walking across the Chew Valley area of Bristol
Dog walking|Dog training |Puppy training|Lancing|Worthing | Brighton | Amiables Amiables Dog walking and training east and west Sussex. Over 10 years of experience with animals. I'm an experienced dog walker offering group and solo walks . I also offer Dog and puppy training , home visit, puppy welcoming, enrichment and environmental training .
Dog Training | Dog-in-a-BoxTraining | England The top choice for pet owners, just like you, who are seeking a certified Puppy & Dog Trainer and proven results. Dog-in-a-Box offers an unrivalled choice of Puppy & Dog Training options designed to suit you and your family, so whatever your training needs, we have a solution.
About me now what can I say. I have always liked animals, from a young age we had fish, then we have a wonderful Yellow Lab called Pepper who lived to the grand age of 13yrs. I waited a long time to get my very first dog due to my husband being in the British Forces and living aboard. While I lived aboard I had a 2 cats Harriet & Jack as well as looking after them I also help to care for friends pets while they returned to the Uk to visit
Thinking Dog - Reward Based Approach to Training your dogs Home of Thinking Dog and Plymouth Based Dog Trainer Cassie Bond. Providing Natural Dog Treats, Toys & Accessories. Dog Walking & Agility Classes.
I have always had an affinity with animals, having grown up in Duston , Northampton with my Grandfather’s Dalmatian. Having learned to ride at the age of 3 and having owned cats and horses, I have one collie one aged 6 yrs old.