A course for Healthcare Assistants, designed to give a broader understanding of anatomy and physiology of the skin and giving ability in recognising lesions, lumps and bumps.
The European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology | ESAG is delighted to present Hands On, Live Cases Training Courses on Surgical Female Genitalia Cosmetic Procedures with a fully rejuvenated scientific program Alexandros Bader, MD, FAAOCG, FAACS Ob&Gyn Consultant (London - Dubai) Specialist Pelvic Floor Reconstruction – Cosmetic Gynecology President and Founder of the European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology –ESAG Founder and Co-director of the Bader Medical Institute of London Associate researcher at University of Oxford-UK SURGICAL Hands-On Training: December 11th to 13th: This is a unique opportunity to work side-by-side with Dr Bader, pioneer in the field of aesthetic gynecology and one of the finest Surgeons in the world in the field Of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Gynecology. A surgeon who counts more than 3500 surgical procedures in his portfolio for the last 15 years. Theory of Surgical Cosmetic & Aesthetic Gynecology Hands on, Live cases training on Surgical Female Genital Cosmetic & Reconstructive Gynecology procedures Covered Surgical Topics: · Labia Minora Plasty · Labia Majora Plasty · Clitoral Hoodectomy · Vaginal Tightening with Single Thread technique · Fat grafting to genital area
The European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology | ESAG is delighted to present Hands On Training Course on Non Surgical Female Genitalia Cosmetic Procedures with a fully rejuvenated scientific program. Trainer: Alexandros Bader, MD, FAAOCG, FAACS Ob&Gyn Consultant (London - Dubai) Specialist Pelvic Floor Reconstruction – Cosmetic Gynecology President and Founder of the European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology –ESAG Founder and Co-director of the Bader Medical Institute of London Associate researcher at University of Oxford-UK The course aims to provide an intensive, hands on training on Non-Surgical procedures on Cosmetic & Aesthetic Gynecology. The duration of the course is 1 day, which includes both theory and full hands on surgery training on live cases. The training program will include: Theory: Basic theory of Non-Surgical Cosmetic & Aesthetic Gynecology Technology application for Vulvo-Vaginal Rejuvenation, functional & Aesthetic enhancement Injectables for Vulvo-Vaginal Rejuvenation, functional and Aesthetic enhancement Hands On Surgery Cases training: Hands on surgery training on the full list of Female Genital Cosmetic – Aesthetic surgeries Injectables for Vulvo-Vaginal Rejuvenation, functional & Aesthetic enhancement An exclusive number of five (6) attendees will be able to participate hands-on, on live Non-Surgical cases, and learn tips and tricks of Cosmetic & Aesthetic Gynecology. Covered Topics: · Non –Surgical Vulvar Rejuvenation with Laser and Radiofrequency Technologies · Non-Surgical Laser and Radiofrequency Technologies for Vaginal Rejuvenation and Treatment of Stress Urine Incontinence · Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) application into Vulvo-Vaginal tissues · Non-Surgical Laser Vulvar skin Tightening · Laser Vulvar skin Bleaching · Labia Majora Augmentation by Fillers · Botulinium toxin application for the dyspareunia treatment · G -Spot® Amplification with G-Shot® technique · O-Shot® therapy for enhanced Female sexual function · PRP and HA application therapy for vaginal dryness
The European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology | ESAG is delighted to present a unique Masterclass on BHRT and PRP application in Regenerative & Functional Gynecology with a fully rejuvenated scientific program that will take place at Bader Medical Institute of London which is conveniently located on the well known Medical district of London in Marylebone, Central London. The Masterclass will start at 11:00 and end approximately at 18:15 and will focus on Bioidentical Hormonal Replacement Therapy (BHRT) and Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP) applications in Regenerative and Functional Gynecology. Scientific Faculty: Maria Papadopoulou, MD, ABAARM Ob&Gyn Consultant (London) Board Certified American Academy of Anti-Ageing Medicine - A4M Vice-President of the European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology –ESAG Founder and Co-director of the Bader Medical Institute of London Prabhu Mishra, PhD MS in Molecular Medicine & Stem Cell Technology Doctoral degree, in addition to certificate courses in the field of Stem Cell Technology, Nanomedicine, and Translational medicine Covered Topics: Understanding the Female hormones Cortisol and its significant role in the balancing of Female hormones Where to test and how Treatment protocols Regenerative Medicine Procedures, Protocols and discussionsStem cells, Amniotic membranesPlacental extracts, Fat graftingNano Fat, SVF Functional Medicine Nutraceutical IV therapies, BHRT, Anti-Oxidants & supplementations Holistic Anti-Ageing therapies Platelet Rich Plasma Therapies in Gynaecology (Live demonstrations); Indications Covered:Thin Endometrium, Asherman Syndrome, Premature ovarian Failure, Oligospermia, Female Sexual DysfunctionsVaginal Laxity & Atrophy, Stress urinary Incontinence & Pelvic Floor diseasesInterstitial Cystitis And Vulvo-Vaginal Rejuvenation Limited exclusive seats available. An limited number of attendees will be able to participate and will benefit by being able to identify their patients’ needs and feel competent to manage and effectively treat them.