yoga wise studio
Yoga & AyurvedaEmma Turnbull is the founder of Yoga Wise, Yoga and Ayurveda, and
has recently opened a beautiful new dedicated studio in Mayland, Essex which
runs regular classes, workshops and teacher training. Yoga Wise combines the
ancient wisdom of both Yoga and Ayurveda and will be running the country’s first
500hr Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher Training in 2019. Emma Turnbull is a BWY teacher,
BWY Foundation Course tutor, IYN Elder and also an Ayurvedic Practitioner. Emma
trained with the BWY in 2005 and has special interest in teaching Yoga for Women
and has trained with both Uma Dinsmore-Tuli and Franscoise Freedman. She also
had the privilege of completing a Yoga Nidra Teacher’s Training course given by
Swami Pragyamurti of the London Satyananda Centre– a teacher who has greatly
influenced her teaching and practice. Emma’s classes combine over a decades
experience of teaching yoga with the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda – so that each
offering is seasonally appropriate and aimed at balancing the excess of the
season, Emma draws on lunar cycles, seasonal cycles and the natural world to
inform her practice and teaching, she believes that by combining Yogic and
Ayurvedic wisdom, through simple daily practices, life can be lived to the
fullest by each of us. “I strongly believe that it’s the culmination of simple
daily practices that make a difference, and that anybody at any time has the
power to transform their lives using the amazing tools that Yoga and Ayurveda
offer – I believe yoga is a lifestyle, a way of being, a gift for all!”