arcswood cic
Arcswood is a social enterprise providing Training Courses and Grounds &
Woodland Maintenance Services in Pembrokeshire, based at the Rural Skills
Training Centre, Pembroke School. We are a registered Community Interest Company
with a passion to ensure that young people and adults in our community do not
become disadvantaged by a lack of volunteering, work experience and training
opportunities. Our aim is to support young people and adults of all abilities,
including those with additional learning needs. To achieve this aim we have
developed three innovative methods of support: 1. Combining volunteering, work
experience and assisted employment with a successful high quality grounds and
woodlands maintenance service. This ensures participants gain valuable
experience in a real workplace environment. 2. Developing community conservation
projects to enable volunteers from the local area to learn conservation skills,
work towards benefiting the community and benefiting the community and building
an ethos of volunteering. 3. Providing nationally recognised work related land
based training . Arcswood CIC is a registered training centre for Lantra Awards.
This ensures participants gain the skills, experience and qualifications
necessary to improve their chances of gaining employment or progressing to
further training.