Everything you do or say sends a message. Be aware of how your verbal, vocal and visual messages convey your intended meaning. We will guide you to present with vocal impact by controlling monotone, volume, rate of speech, and non-words. Understand how to control your posture, movement, eye contact, clothing and gestures. Learning Objectives Identify the challenges of ambiguous messages, Express your message with vocal and visual impact, Close your presentation with impactful results Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
We will help you to understand the six common excuses for unethical behavior and what are the three most pervasive ethical misconducts. Discover the ultimate guidelines for managing ethical conduct and how to show empathy, get the truth, and be sensible. Always focus on responsibility, respect and results for leading your business ethically. Learning Objectives Recognize six common excuses for unethical behavior, Define the components of ethical conduct, Implement the Three R's for leading ethically Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Resiliency is the capacity to deal with change and continue to adapt or develop. Emotional resilience is determined partly qualities you're born with. With a little effort however, resiliency can be strengthened over time by anyone. Discover the characteristics of resilient people and how to ensure you don't only use resiliency in times of adversity. Learning Objectives Provide examples of resilient people, Answer questions about building resiliency, Develop resiliency as a way of life Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
We will show you how to engage audiences throughout your presentation by being interactive and keeping it conversational. Understand how to keep your verbal, vocal, and visual messages congruent to increase likeability, believability, credibility, and persuasiveness. Be prepared and think through the presentation from start to finish and anticipate any problems. Learning Objectives Define the new language in sales persuasion, Identify the three V's of communication, Select objectives for your presentation, Analyze your audience Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Understand how to use trustworthiness and expertise to inspire belief with those people around you. Discover ways to build credibility and playing devil's advocate against your case. Understand how to restore lost credibility using tools such as apologizing, explaining and recovering with a plan. Learning Objectives Explain why credibility is the core of influence and its two dimensions, Apply seven ways to build credibility to increase your influence, Implement three steps to restore damaged credibility Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Likability is the core of all positive interpersonal relationships. Let us show you how you can increase your likability. Understand what the key things are to note regarding your body language, speech and energy levels when influencing others. We will show you how to create a great first impression and inspire others to act. Learning Objectives Apply psychological secrets of likeability that influences outcomes, Create great first impressions, Inspire others to immediate action and cooperation Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Understand why concentration, curiosity and clarity is so important in communication. Understand the many pitfalls and benefits to listening. The bottom line is that it builds effective relationships-the heart of earning and keeping customers. Use listening to increase understanding in any situation you experience. Learning Objectives The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: Assess your listening skills Test your listening and interpretations skills Describe the benefits of effective listening Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Understand the four-stage personal leadership questioning process any external coach would use. Self-control is at the core of self-coaching. Understand how to set your goals, get help, implement your plan and celebrate your success at the end. We will show you how to implement self-control and impulse management techniques to stay on track. Learning Objectives Describe the four stages of self-coaching, Resolve balanced dilemmas, Apply 20 techniques for learning self-control Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Credibility can make the difference between winning or losing customers and winning or losing your job. But exactly what is it, and how do you get it? You will understand the two dimensions of credibility, trustworthiness and expertise. We will show you steps for building credibility in any situation and implement the disciplines of credibility. Learning Objectives Explain why credibility is the core of effective leadership, Apply steps for gaining and maintaining credibility, Describe three ways to restore damaged credibility Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Personal accountability is about taking control of your life to achieve the outcomes you want by design, not by default. Understand the difference between the victim and victor and apply the four stages of the victim or victor cycle to keep your team accountable. Understand why collaboration will be vital throughout the four stages when others accountable. Learning Objectives Define personal accountability, Describe the four stages of the Victim Cycle, Implement the four stages of accountability Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams