paddington academy
Paddington Academy is an Outstanding, non-selective academy in inner West London
with 1,200 students from ages 11-18. As part of United Learning, our aim is to
bring out ‘the best in everyone’ and we continuously strive to ensure that
students and staff here have every opportunity to do so. We have both worked
here since the school opened in 2006 and so we know what a truly amazing
experience it is to be part of the Paddington Academy community. We are very
proud of our school and, most importantly, of the students and staff with whom
we have the pleasure of spending each day. At Paddington Academy, we believe
that our first priority is to help our children learn. We place this at the
heart of every decision that we make and ask ourselves: will this improve
student learning? For seven consecutive years we have been in the top 10 schools
in the country for the progress our students make. We believe that all students
are capable of making outstanding progress and attaining at the highest level,
whatever their starting point. We do not make excuses for our students: we
firmly believe that there are no barriers to achievement that cannot be overcome
by a determined and resilient student and a supportive school team. We
specialise in establishing what each student needs in order to make this
outstanding progress and ensure that no child is left behind.