This is an online course sat at your own pace to introduce you to clinical coaching. During the course we will go into the concept of training a student, learning methods, tutorial techniques, safeguarding and how to use the Central Skills Log (CSL). The course is open for 2 months. Once completed we can then arrange access to the CSL for one of Abbeydale’s students.
Welcome to the Women's Voice Medicine Journey. This is a female-designed, step-by-step programe, to teach you how you can truly activate and integrate some of the most essential Embodied Voicework tools to Free Your Voice and unleash your Creative Feminine Power.
Inspiring, interactive and unique 4-hour CPD certified Communication and Co-production training.
This masterclass will help develop your confidence and knowledge in identifying and managing complex safeguarding issues.
Welcome to the Women's Voice Medicine Journey. This is a female-designed, step-by-step programe, to teach you how you can truly activate and integrate some of the most essential Embodied Voicework tools to Free Your Voice and unleash your Creative Feminine Power.
Historical Association webinar series: Making history accessible Presenters: Cat Priggs This webinar will provide an overview of recent key developments in SEND, including statutory guidance and regulations from Ofsted’s latest Education Inspection Framework and the SEND improvement plan. Drawing on SEND toolkits, we will reflect on how to embed inclusive practice. This will be explored in the context of the history classroom as we draw upon the Historical Association’s Secondary Committee ‘Making History Accessible’ resources to consider how to develop and support SEND students’ historical learning. At the end of this session, participants will be introduced to an optional small-scale action research project. This project will prompt reflection on a specific aspect of participants’ practice, which will be explored and reviewed through the webinar series. Image: A Squire "Old English" padlock on a gate latch in Devon (Image: Partonez/Wikimedia Commons)