move into freedom
Moving into Freedom, LLC - Holistic Physical Therapy 432 N. Superior Street
Toledo, Ohio 43604 phone 734-347-1547 Fax 419-685-9087 We are located in the
Croak Asset Management Building - Please park in the lot across the street and
enter through the front entrance. You will be given a voucher for parking
following your session. Your body, without pain and moving the way it should, in
balance. Holistic Physical Therapy is about looking at your whole body and
helping you balance your whole body. Our culture tells us that when we grow
older or when we participate in sports or exercise it is normal to live in pain.
This does not have to be true. When we look at your body, we look at how the
whole body functions and help to restore the normal function through myofascial
release, movement therapy, exercise, nutrition and education.