positive parenting project
In 2012 Anita founded The Positive Parenting Project, a social enterprise which
aims to bring the benefits of proven evidence-based parenting strategies to as
many parents (and children) as possible. Anita started her career in
international development, spending four and a half years in Mongolia where she
went through both of her pregnancies. (Her eldest son learnt to say ‘mummy’ in
Mongolian before he said it in English!). Anita also spent time in Hungary and
Kazakhstan. Anita has studied developmental psychology (child development) to
postgraduate level and is an accredited Triple P® parenting coach. A leading UK
parenting expert, she speaks at events across the country and delivers parenting
seminars, webinars and one-to-one support. She is regularly featured as a
parenting expert on TV and radio. Fascinated by children and how they develop,
Anita has a talent for helping parents view their children and their own
parenting strategies from different angles. She is adamant that there is no such
thing as a perfect parent and says her ambition with her own children is simply
not to make the same mistakes too often. After becoming a single parent, Anita
changed careers. She worked as a strategic manager in a local authority
children’s services for nine years, setting up and managing early intervention,
targeted and specialist family support services including Sure Start Children’s
Centres, parent support lines, teenage pregnancy prevention projects and
intensive family support.