addictive eaters anonymous glasgow
Addictive Eaters Anonymous (AEA) is a fellowship of men and women who share
their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their
common problem and help others to recover from addictive eating. AEA has members
who have suffered from anorexia, bulimia and binge eating. Many have been
underweight, overweight or obese; others were people of average weight yet
suffered with an obsession with food. Members may have used exercise and other
substances to try and control their weight. Before coming to AEA, members found
that they were powerless over food, and unable to stop the food obsession. AEA
is not a diet or weight loss organisation. AEA members follow a Twelve Step
programme, based on that of Alcoholics Anonymous. Through working the Steps,
members find a Higher Power and freedom from the obsession with food. Members
share their experience with newcomers of how they have found sobriety. Sobriety
in AEA is freedom from addictive eating and all mind-altering substances.
Addictive eating and eating addictively are terms used in Addictive Eaters
Anonymous to describe obsessive or compulsive food behaviour, including, but not
limited to, overeating, binge eating, undereating, starving, purging, compulsive
exercise, the use of drugs to control weight, obsessive thoughts about food and
obsession with body image or weight control. AEA is not affiliated with any
other organisation. AEA meetings are open to anyone. There is no cost to attend.