trauma resus
Trauma Resus is leading the way in providing advanced first aid training and
clinical governance. With more than 15 years’ experience in multiple industries,
we are the UK’s most trusted experts. We were founded in 2005 by a group of
healthcare professionals, and their deep experience and understanding of
pre-hospital and in-hospital care sits at the heart of all we do. Led by our
medical experts, we deliver training within robust clinical governance
structures to transform patient care, improve patient outcomes and to save
lives. We provide high quality training delivered by instructors with experience
of facing real life emergencies, over a number of years. Their backgrounds
include working as doctors, nurses or paramedics in the NHS, serving in the
armed forces, or working as firefighters or police officers. We are trusted
experts to a range of industries who require the most advanced standards of
first aid training, equipment, and clinical governance. Trauma Resus is the
number one provider of these services to the UK’s Fire and Rescue Services and
Airport Fire Services. We can also deliver the First Aid Learning Programme
(FALP) to UK Police Forces, with inhouse expertise from experienced police
officers alongside pre-hospital care specialists. Our European Remote Immediate
Emergency Care Advanced (EURIECA™) course is accredited by the Global Wind
Organisation (GWO) as compliant with its GWO Enhanced First Aid (EFA) criteria.
This training goes above and beyond the EFA requirements. Our public training
courses at Trauma Resus head office cover most aspects of advanced first aid and
are updated annually to ensure they reflect current practices and