core children
Our Care values and ethos are built on putting the child at the centre of
everything we do, ensuring that the unique needs of the child are assessed,
planned, met and nurtured. Outcomes Icon Outcomes We aim to ensure that every
child's Outcomes are met through meticulous care planning and multi agency
working to promote robust relationships with important people in the child’s
family and educational life. We strive to ensure that children who live with us
will have the chance to experience everything a child should in a none
judgemental and safe environment. Outcomes Icon Repair We understand the complex
relationships that children have experienced and our ethos allows us to attempt
to Repair that relationship with adults. We attempt to achieve this through
assessment, consistency, building self-worth and confidence through unique,
focused delivered care which can allow the child to find their voice. Outcomes
Icon Empathy Our ethos is approached through a focused emphasis upon Empathy. We
ensure that all of our team are trauma informed and with this we can approach
each child’s behaviours without judgement but with acceptance in order to
ultimately drive connection between the child and their developing world.